belagavi news


Karnataka Tourists Allege Assault and Extortion by Goa Forest Department at Sural Falls

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By uday

Tourists from Sankeshwar have accused Goa forest officials of assault and extortion during a visit to Sural Falls near Belagavi. The tourists claim the officials physically assaulted them and extorted ₹9,000. This incident has raised concerns about the safety of visitors to Sural Falls, amid allegations of routine misconduct and extortion by forest department staff reports the

The alleged incident occurred near Kanakumbi in Khanapur Taluk, home to the scenic Sural Falls. With the onset of the rainy season, the waterfall attracts many visitors from Karnataka. However, recent tourists have reported facing unexpected hostility.

sural-falls belgaum
The Sural Water Falls Photo: Sabir Jamadar

According to the allegations, forest department officials have been taking advantage of the increased tourist influx by extorting money and using physical violence. Five youths from Sankeshwar claimed they were beaten with sticks on their backs, legs, and hands. They reported that the forest staff not only assaulted them but also forcibly took ₹9,000 from their wallets through online payment.

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