Bapu-Bittoo: Indifference towards public health

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Bittoo: Bapu.

Bapu: Yes Bittoo.

Bittoo: Who is responsible for the bad-to-worst condition of drainage lines, which are mixed with sewage let out by the residents in the city Bapu?

Bapu: Apparently, the Belagavi City Corporation, while the residents have equal responsibility to ensure that they don’t add up to the problems resulting out of municipality’s failure to provide proper drainage lines or to ensure regular cleaning works.

Bittoo: But Bapu, why the District Surveillance Office forget to take note of the fact that diseases like malaria, cholera and other infections are mainly because of the failure of (municipalities and panchayat bodies) the Belagavi City Corporation to maintain cleanliness in Belagavi city while appealing to public to maintain cleanliness and hygeine to avoid spreading of such dreaded diseases?

Bapu: I don’t know Bittoo.

Bittoo: And Bapu, for instance, an open unconstructed drainage lines mixed with sewage has turned out to be a breeding ground for mosquitos and other infectious bacteria, besides emanating foul smell 24×7 in P&T Colony in Hanuman Nagar in the city. The life of residents is highly miserable now yet, despite several complaints by residents, neither the BCC nor the concerned councillor has taken up any concrete measure to address even such a petty problem. While there are similar problems elsewhere in the city.

Bapu: Hummmmm! Very sad.

Bittoo: Then, don’t you think the BCC or the concerned councillor, even the Surveillance Office do not exist for the residents of the colony as they appear to be indfferent towards public health Bapu?

Bapu: I don’t know Bittoo.

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