Political immaturity?

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By editor

Bittoo: Bapu.

Bapu: Yes Bittoo.

Of late, I have become doubtful about political maturity of seasoned politician and former minister Satish Jarkiholi, Yamkanmardi MLA Bapu?

Bapu: Why?

Bittoo: Look at how his recent outburst against a political small fry like Raju Chikangouda, BJP’s youth leader from the city yet managing to stay long as member of Syndicate of the Rani Channamma University.

Bapu: So?

Bittoo: So? Don’t you see how his outburst transformed Raju into a “hero” overnight? Satish could have handled his issues with RCU in several other and matured ways Bapu.

Bapu: Hummmmm!

Bittoo: Isn’t this reflection of his political immaturity Bapu?

Bapu: I don’t know Bittoo.

Bittoo: And Bapu.

Bapu: Yes Bittoo.

Bittoo: I think, actually, Satish is hurt of being ignored by RCU authorities although, the university falls under his assembly constituency Bapu?

Bapu: I don’t know Bittoo.

Bittoo: And, Suresh Angadi, MP has warned of converting RCU campus into a political hot bed.

Bapu: Hummmmm.

Bittoo: Therefore, the government and universities should stop nominating politicians but only academicians to such institutions of higher learning Bapu?

Bapu: I don’t know Bittoo.

This is a citizen-centric new column, wherein the author(Bitto) is an ordinary, politically unaffiliated common man of the city who in his/her inimitable approach takes up various issues with the Bapu’s soul! Apparently, the interaction between them portrays ironies of sorts encountered by the common man and others in the city in a lighter vein. The author’s name will not be disclosed to the readers as he/she represents the common man of the society. This column aims at creating awareness and sensitising cross sections of our city on various issues of public concern only but in a lighter vein without holding any contempt against any institution or individual.

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