Career Avenues for Commerce Graduates

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by Suhas Rajput

A commerce graduate can certainly opt to continue his/her post graduation in commerce studies or can also explore the various professional courses available. With career options multiplying like never before, it is essential for every student to understand the needs of the industry and also the demand of new professional courses available around us. The summer season is undoubtedly hot (nature per-se) but also for graduating students who are in the process of deciding a profession for their life through the various post graduation courses/programs available around them. And needless to say, it is essential for the students to know the options available across various domains in order to make an informed decision, and to make the best out of option made for themselves. The following information makes us understand various options available for commerce graduates, as to the options available for professional courses around us:

Management Courses

Lets us start the options with the broad spectrum of management studies available to students after graduation. And no prizes for guessing the most sorted management degree – MBA. But off late, the same has been packaged with various options then the standard specializations viz. Marketing & Sales, Finance, Human Resource Management and Productions & Operations. Today, students can opt for the same post graduate program in domains like Finance, Banking, Retail, Hotel Management, Event Management, etc. The said options are available from various universities and also from private institutes, spanning into duration of six months to two years. It would not be wrong to mention that these courses are here to stay, as they offer a challenging and affluent career. Though, the student needs to understand the career path available with each of these domains and also what the course demands from the student. Since, these courses have their prominence in specific area and needs a detailed understanding by a student before he/she opts for the same.


Professional courses like these can be seen as a dream careers for many commerce students over a period of time. Though these courses need an extreme dedication and demands a lot of time, but at the same time these courses have been and will be in great demand by the corporate as well as public sector undertakings. The preparation for these courses need to be started well during the course of graduation and proves to be a strong ground work for the successful completion of them over a period of time. An individual can also render his expertise in these domains as consultants across various industries or also have a group of same professionals and offer their service.

Journalism, Mass Communication, Public Relations, Event Management & Advertising

With an increase in media houses and their importance in day today’s business activities, there has been a need for professional education in these areas. A majority of courses on these areas are provided by institutes run by corporate houses and less by university recognized institutes. Since, these courses have been introduced looking at the need of the growing industry, the same have been offered by them in a customized way. We would find good number of institutes across various big cities offering these courses and also providing an enriching career. Though these courses are offered over a span of two years (like a full time post graduate degree) by a few, but majority of them are either part time or short term courses spanning over six months to one year.

Hotel Management

Apart from offering a specialization in Hotel Management in MBA, we can find professional courses in this domain spanning over a period of two years or more also. Students interested in making a career in hotel industry can think of taking up this course from many professional institutes spread across the country. With a boom in the hospitality industry, the demand for professionals in this sector and a professional course in this domain ensures a successful career for a student.

Career over Higher Studies:

Having seen the various professional courses available after graduation, the student can choose to take a break of a year or two before going for the post graduation program. There are certainly various job opportunities available with banking (private and public) sector, government agencies, private companies, etc to name a few. In a few areas of management studies, it would be recommended for a student to have a work experience in the same area where he/she wish to take up the professional course. The same would be beneficial for a student to understand the practical aspect of the basics of the industry before entering the arena of professional studies.

I would like to end the article with the career option which is indeed the most respected and self enriching for any individual. Entrepreneurship is a career option which is indeed the need of the hour as it helps in generating employment for others and gets the best out of any individual. Though this is the most challenging and nerve crunching option that an individual can make, but it is also true that other professional courses are no less and demands a lot from every individual.

About the Author:
Suhas Rajput

Central Training & Placement Officer,

Karnatak Law Society, Belgaum

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