With more than 50% beds Vacant, Oxygen centers, covid care centers shut

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Belagavi with a steady decline in the daily infections, the Covid bed availability in all hospitals in the region has improved immensely as per the numbers visible on the Belagavicovid19.com website.

Only critically ill patients are coming for the treatment now and most of them need either oxygen or ventilator.

The critical patients have to stay for longer duration in hospital. Those who are on ventilator support take up to a month to recover. The casualties are also decreasing.

The IMA Red Cross oxygen center has been shut due to lack of demand. Many other private covid care centers have stopped admission and are adjusting with the others so they can close down.

The war room is also getting very less distress calls for admissions.

As per the website which is updated in the war room, out of the 2567 COVID beds 1421 beds are available in the district.

Screenshot from 2021 06 11 18 29 31

Without Oxygen Beds – 666

Available – 433

With Oxygen Beds – 1515
Available – 816

ICU Beds Without Ventilator – 182
Available – 102

ICU Beds With Ventilator – 204
Available – 70

The positivity rate is hovering near the 10% mark for the district now, and as of June 10 it was 10.69 (Last 10 days)

DateNo of Positive CasesTotal
Since 1st April 2021
DeathNo. of TestsTest Positivity Rate
June 10, 2021439482751252078%
June 9, 202134147836854646%
June 8, 202144347495462447%
June 7, 2021355470521838319%
June 6, 2021418466971559487%
June 5, 20218474627918533616%

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