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The Sugary drought . .

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Communities in most part of the North Karnataka state are facing severe problems with regards to Drinking water availability and supply. Every individual, or government  department or the so called leaders  come up with  divers illogical reasons like Low rain fall, careless  government  etc , which are accepted by majority of people without any questions.  

snk-canesnk-caneDo we really have enough water resources to satisfy the drinking – domestic  water requirements of the north Karnataka population?. Fortunately the answer is yes. If we look at the rainfall data, we can observe that there is no drastic change in the  average rain in the north Karnataka region, then how can majority of people in north Karnataka  face drinking water problems.     The simple reason is that, the available water is not utilized efficiently, to satisfy the drinking water needs of the people, instead the same is pumped  to grow sugarcane over a large area.  

Drinking water  is the number one priority in our national water policy, but, instead we are using  the same resource to grow sugarcane in arid – low rainfall region. In Belagavi and Dharwad region there are more than 10 established  sugar factories and 5 new in the pipeline.  In spite our country has  a surplus stock of sugar for about 2 years, in spite of  our inability to compete with the global sugar market, in spite of  farmers struggling every year to get  base price for their produce,  area under sugarcane cultivation is still increasing.  

In Malaprabha region sugarcane plantation has increased 10 times, (224 hectares in 1980 to 2756 hectares in 2012). Sugarcane in Belgavi  and Dharwad consumes 160 TMC water (from various sources) every year.  Just  5% of the crop change  and  controlled irrigation can  save about  8 TMC of water.

•    1 TMC  = 28,39,68,46,600 liters  (two thousand eight hundred crore  liters )

•    8 TMC = 2,27,17,47,72,800  liters ( > twenty two thousand crore liters).      This quantity of water can be provided to satisfy the needs of  more than    20,00,000 people at the rate of  >150 liters/day/person for 750 days ( > 2  years).  

it will be  foolish to ignore this simple logic, and continue the ongoing trend, to further destroy out future and the future of our coming generations.  it will be foolish to get repeatedly manipulated by the expanding Sugar empire.    

Are we so foolish  to ignore the fact, that we are experiencing  a sugary drought, created by, and  for the benefit of few so called leaders of the communities.    

Source: Save North Karnataka Initiative: Life, livelihood and future depends upon availability of water. There is a rapid depletion of water and desertification of North Karnataka. 
This is an initiative, to create awareness  of dangers and solutions  to those who are at risk.
The Save North Karnataka Initiative is taken up by a group of RESEARCHERS who have in depth knowledge about the topography and impact of change and all points are based on the observations of Mahadayi Water Tribunal.

1 thought on “The Sugary drought . .”

  1. Hi
    All that you are doing is mentioning the problems, without proposing any feasible solution. Hope you understand that stopping sugarcane cultivation is not feasible, neither is it feasible to stop providing water to industries . Both agriculture and industries provide employment, and you cannot deny it.
    What we need is solutions to such crisis, with minimal impact to stakeholders. The main issue here seems to be water, then can we focus on water availability
    Even if we did harvesting of natural water ( rain etc ) and recycling of water, it would go a long way in addressing the issues. For Ex having 2-3 Sewage Treatment Plants in Belgavi to treat upto 80% of waste water can help agriculture use this water, leaving ground/river water for domestic use.
    But its all about ROI, once water becomes costly, people will set up STP and then start using recycled water, so lets wait till water becomes costly.


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