An old lake in Ward no.6 Angol which is spread over many acres may soon cease to exist if the indiscriminate discharge of drainage water into it is not stopped. Drainage water is polluting the lake water and also poses a threat to aquatic life as well as domestic animals. Pollution of lake water leads to adverse ecological consequences and increases pest attack on crops and plant diseases
Failure of the authorities to purify the lake water is now having adverse impact on the health of farmers living in its vicinity. The fertility of the soil is also getting affected.
A prerequisite of efficient protection of water resources against pollution is the preparation of a comprehensive and detailed plan of protection which takes into consideration all point and diffuse sources of pollution, pollution processes and movements,consequences and all possible structural and administrative measures of protection against pollution. Assessment of the quantity and quality of water resources includes identification of potential sources of freshwater supply and determination of sources, extent, dependability and quality of water resources and of the human activities that affect those resources. g nutrient rich and affecting the aquatic life of the lake. In order to deal with these problems National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) was developed.
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
The Act prohibits the discharge of pollutants into water bodies beyond a given standard, and lays down penalties for non-compliance. The Act was amended in 1988 to conform closely to the provisions of the EPA, 1986. It set up the CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board), which lays down standards for the prevention and control of water pollution.
At the State level, the SPCBs (State Pollution Control Board) function under the direction of the CPCB and the state government.