Belgaum district at 203 place under WSP

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Belgaum district was benchmarked on the 203 position (out of 593) while benchmarking all the districts of the country for the Water and sanitation programs implemented. These rankings were released by the WSP in their recent report A Decade of the Total Sanitation Campaign .

Mangalore was in No.1 position all India followed by Kolhapur, Ernakullum. (all rankings upto March 2010)

The Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) is a multi-donor partnership administered by the World Bank to support poor people in obtaining affordable, safe and sustainable access to water and sanitation services.

Belgaum district is on 203rd position with a grand score of 42 which is Average.

Grand Score ranking Methodology:

Less than 25 – Below Average

26 – 49 – Average

50-74 – Above Average

Above 74 – Superior

See how the other districts performed.

Rank District Grand Score
1 Mangalore 90
11 Udupi 82
13 Shimoga 80
56 Uttar Kannada 66
98 Chikmanglur 56
111 Kodagu 54
145 Blore rural 49
174 Mysore 45
194 Hasan 43
203 Belgaum 42
218 Blore urban 41
239 Davangere 39
280 Bagalkot 36
281 Mandya 36
306 Bijapur 34
319 Tumkur 33
362 Chitradurga 31
363 Koppal 31
402 Dharwad 28
420 Bidar 27
432 Kolar 26
486 Bellary 21
487 Gadag 21
488 Haveri 21
507 Chamrajnagar 19
508 Gulburga 19
509 Raichur 19


2 thoughts on “Belgaum district at 203 place under WSP”

  1. when you get water once in 3 days pay water bill for whole year 365 days, I am assuming the water department is very ignorante and calculate bill for 365 days instead of 365/3 days.
    when there is any kind of road work they break pipelines and nobody cares to fix it so obviously we will be having average rating.


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