Knitting a different world Asha Patravali

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Asha Patravali belgaumBELGAUMEach one would normally stay away from caterpillars, even tough tiny they are not so liked, but the caterpillars in Asha Patravali’s house are very adorable and lovable at the same time. And those caterpillars range from 16 inches to 100 inches all knitted with wool. 

Asha Patravali has been obsessed towards making something new and creative from wool. Last time she had made those cute Angry Birds and now caterpillar, 24 of them of different colors and sizes.

For housewife Asha Patravali, knitting was just a hobby untill a few years ago. However, her passion and dedication towards work has taken her to newer heights, enabling her not only earn a decent financial gain, but also do her bit for economically weaker sections of the society.

Asha has passed her SSLC and knitting is a natural gift to her which she has nurtured and made it more creative for the masses. She has also authored books on knitting. She has exhibited her knitting works in various places and even won various accolades for the same.

Asha Patravali has previously created various dolls and other items from wool and other materials basically of wool. She runs her own firm in the name of Asha Kintwears Somwar Peth, Tilakwadi, Belgaum. Contact: 4200340

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4 thoughts on “Knitting a different world Asha Patravali”

  1. May I know this caterpillar is for sell and still available or not? if yes please guide me on how to buy this item and how the process of delivery…



  2. May I know this caterpillar is for sell and still available or not? if yes please guide me on how to buy this item and how the process of delivery…




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