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Love Dale School Belagavi

Moms Club the new Avenue for the Women Entrepreneur

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By editor

Mom’s club is a club




Moms Club is offering moms a platform to meet, to introduce mothers to each other, provide informational discussions, advise and help one another, give members an opportunity to socialize with other mothers, provide informative speakers and support each other.

Each one teach one

The biggest struggle is finding the time – that is the number one issue that needs to be tackled when you are trying to carve out time to care for your own needs. It’s challenging to find time to do non-child-related activities. The Mom’s find themselves so busy with the tasks of motherhood and managing household chores that we are often overlooked completely.

You are very welcome to be part of the group!
Let’s make the world a smaller place!

Who started this club?

Founded by Divya Mehta and Sita Ravindran who are entrepreneurs strongly working towards women empowerment also running PEHCHAAN Finishing School at TRINITY College.
The motive of Moms Club is to have maximum Mummies on board and to help them when in need… Moms are welcome to share their experiences and happiness whenever they want. This community also has a Whatsup group as an extension.


Bringing people together spreading positivism and making this world a smaller place.

Why should a Mom join this club?

Primarily because it’s fun to be a part of this community. The group (like any other group) focuses on what a mom values the most – her child and her/his wellness (health & development). And that’s not all! Given that it takes a fighting fit and dedicated mom to bring up a happy child, the group also focuses on a mom’s other key interests which often take a back seat in the process, such as Grooming ,fashion, wellness (health, fitness, nutrition), food, travel, finances,…and much more!

moms club belagaviWhat’s unique about Mom’s Club?

At Mom’s Club, we aim to provide a common platform for moms to share their experiences. Seek advice and showcase their talent and also develop their entrepreneur skills. Thus, we help them to create an identity of their own.

The community also has a panel of experts including senior doctors (pediatricians), child psychologist, child development counselor, fitness expert, lifestyle coach, nutritionist, designer, career counselor, cosmetic dermatologist, and financial experts for giving out advice.

All Mom’s who live in Belagavi should join Belagavi moms community because no other community can give such a large physical connect like this like-minded people who live in your own city, own suburb, own neighborhood would get an opportunity to network and inspire, learn, connect from each other .And lastly no one bothers about mommy breaks but us.

Ek break to banta hai .


They have planned on starting a moms group with special guest speakers and demonstrations to give everyone an opportunity to try some of the activities while meeting other mothers.
Inviting experts to talk on topics such as nutrition, fitness, Depression, Menopause, women empowerment etc. provides an opportunity for moms to learn and also an opportunity to ask questions they may have.
They wanted to start a group with fun activities while not having to spend a lot of money. Through this group, mothers connect over various facets of life, from parenting, entrepreneurship, to sharing helpful tips or simply de-stressing over a session of chat.

The meeting will be conducted once every month at Trinity College, Tilakwadi.

Mompreneur of the month is identified and her success story is shared with members in a open forum. In addition, a topic of current relevance is identified and expert guest speaker is invited from that particular field to discuss and share their opinion


The Meetings will be held once in a month at Trinity College Auditorium

Registrations are open and our first meet is scheduled on 1st August, 2017.

For more details call on 9880743945/7019674605

Let all the Mom’s gather and form the largest community of mothers in the city of Belagavi.

4 thoughts on “Moms Club the new Avenue for the Women Entrepreneur”

  1. Great job. Good initiative. Best wishes. I would like to share five books authored by me on entrepreneurship, in Kannada language, in case group leaders and members are interested.

  2. Great idea.its must for moms and my wife are authorised yog teachers of patanjali yog feet Haridwar.Running free yoga classes at r.c.nagar since decade.we can train your


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