Three Decades Ago Belgaum in 1970s

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By Dr. Neeta Baporikar –

As I travel down the memory lane of my childhood, memories of Belgaum flash through my mind and l become nostalgic. I was born in Lengade’s Building, Near Tilakwadi Club where I spent few years of childhood, and latter resided in Hindwadi. I did my schooling from St. Joseph’s and graduated from Gogte College of Commerce in early 80s.

I thought I would share some of these memories with Belgaumites (or is it now Belgavies) and what better way than through Uday’s, a site or rather a good effort to bring Belgaum and Begaumites to the forefront in this “I “– WORLD (Internet)!

Here it is for you all – young to read and old to reminisce……………..

Belgaum in 1970’s meant ……..

St. Joseph’s, St Paul’s, Beyon Smith, Vanita and Tilakwadi Schools.

Gogte, RPD, GSS and RLS Colleges.

Tilakwadi, Kaliamarai and Hindwadi residential areas.

Bogarves, Goaves, Maruthi Galli, Ramadev Galli and Khade Bazaar.

Military Mahadev, Kamal Basti, Kapileshwar and Maruthi Temples.

Apparanji, Iyengars, Patils, Naiks, Marathes and Joshi Professors.

Majumdars, Badkundris, Tagares Barristers and Advocates.

DBKulkarnis, Shivangis, Halappanavars and Balekundri Chartered Accountants.

Murthy, Hukkeri, Ankola, Deshpande, Pusalkar, Belgaumkar Doctors.

Indal and Bemco Industries.

Gogtes, Doddannavars, Siddananvars and Patil Business Groups.

Potdars and Lengades Gold Merchants.

Ghotadikes and Deshpande Automobiles.

Gargattis, Hulbatis and Mohites Metal Merchants.

Tubakis, YCDeshpande, Chindak Cloth Merchants.

Hedas, Chindaks, Sardas, Jhamnanis Sarees Merchants.

Gunshop and Gunboris Elite Shops.

Purohits, Krishnas Halwais.

Kunda and Mandgi Sweets.

Amrut, Brindavan, Uday Bhavan and Chitrajan Restaurants.

Satkar, Milan and Sanman Hotels.

Mal Maruti, Hindalga, Rakshop and Asoga Picnic Spots.

English, Marathi-Kannada and Hindi Languages.

Rains, greenery and great weather.

So I wonder …………

What does Belgaum mean today!

About the Author: Dr. Neeta Baporikar, holds a Doctorate in Management from University of Pune, Master’s degree in Business Administration (Distinction) and Law (Hons.) degree and has more than two and half decades of experience in industry, training, research and academics – teaching/consulting – both at national and international level. Apart from this she is also an Accredited Management Teacher (AIMA), Qualified Trainer (ISTD) and PhD-Guide, Faculty of Management, University of Pune and Board Member of Academics and Selection Committee in accredited B-Schools.

22 thoughts on “Three Decades Ago Belgaum in 1970s”

  1. It is not only about "St. Joseph’s, St Paul’s, Beyon Smith, Vanita and Tilakwadi Schools", you missed a greatest of them all! i.e. St. GA's

    Wondering what it stands for? It is GA High School on college road, which has produced uncountable successful personalities!!!

    SI New York USA

  2. You will all appreciate that “Belgaum in 1970’s” is based on my association and ofcourse memories.

    Neverhtheless, thanks for additions!

    Best Wishes!

  3. “G A” indeed has produced a very long list of leading personalities.
    It stands for “Gilaginchi Artal” High School, located in KLE Campus on College Road in Belgaum

  4. Adding a few ….
    “Gopal Ganesh Mandal” so called GGM was the first Mandal established in Belgaum, by few belgaumites. Under this mandal lot of sports acitvities, social activities were being carried out. From this Mandal many belgaumties became as National coach, got job in Police department etc.
    All the so called now big personalities in belgaum were under this roof.
    The first garland was offered by this Mandal to status of Shivaji Maharaj (as of installed in Shivaji Garden).

  5. A heavy slice of nostalgia indeed! Especially the Professors. I presume you mean Prof Marathe and Prof Joshi who later moved to RPD?

  6. Adding a few more
    St. Xaviers High School
    Lingaraj College
    Argantal Ganapati
    Rex Talkies
    New Grand Hotel
    Ajanta Hotel
    Kirloskar Road

  7. My favourites in Belgaum to add to the Nostalgia list.
    * Dargah in camp area – This used to be our favourite play ground when we used to visit Belgaum when we were kids. The Dargah then used to have an undulating landscape with what seemed to us to be little hills and valleys. We used to literally roll down on these small undulations , pretending to be cops and robbers, taking dives on being shot. And the cherry on the cake was- Alipaak churmure- sold by the evergreen Basappa, who would round off the Alipaak with a small yellow ball of chutney. am still drooling thinking of the taste.
    * Globe theatre – in typical belgaum lingo, we would hear the locals say, ” Abey, jaldi jaa ke shiktyfy ke do ticket le ko aa baa”. shiktify is what I heard for the 65 paise ticket. Or if somebody wanted to show off- he would say_ Arey Balcony ki do paanch ki le ko aa”. Do paanch was the reference to luxury- Rs.2.05.
    * Pop inns- the military run canteen is still in existence but the ganne ka ras which used to be sold then has lost its punch. Loved the place for its pop corn and ganne kaa ras.

  8. Dear Dr Neeta
    Thanks for including Tubakis
    They have completed 77years this Ugadhi festival
    Vasantharao at 92 so much attached drives his his 2 wheeler moped to his shop everyday..
    Your article has broght back our childhood memories

  9. Dr Neeta
    Thanks for including Tubakis
    They have completed 77yrs this Ugadhi
    Vasanthrao at 92 lmore attached and loves to drive his moped to shop.
    Your article has brought back old memories
    Vijay Gundannavar

  10. Having migrated at the tender age of abt, 4years to Belgavi(OLD Belgaum) with my father,( an army personnel )and family way back in 1941or so, I along with my younger brother Noor Mohamed Shaikh and sisters grew up practically in the military surroundings( The 2nd. World War was still on). On attaining the age of 6 (six) years only,in 1944, that my father got me and later my younger brother in 1945, admitted in the pre-preparatory (L.KG These days) class in the ST.Paul’s High School Camp, Belgaum. Our movements were restricted in military areas only i.e. to & fro from our homes to school and back. As for our daily games, we ,children, were allowed to play in the many available grounds in the military areas. It was thus. after passing SSC (Xth) from my St.Paul’s H.School that I enrolled for college studies in Lingaraj College,Belgavi, that I was exposed to Belgaum city life in the 1950’s. And Boy! We youngsters, of Lingaraj College, sure painted the town(as it was then)” RED”. All The possible gallis and lanes,cinemas,places of historical interests, country-side villages used to be pass-time for us in the holidays & vacations. Thus after graduating in Science studies , having left Belgavi in 1957 in search of fame and fortune, I still long to visit My childhood place of growing up. May Belgavi(Belgaum) Thrive and prosper for years to come !!!!!! Jan Shaikh ( Past Resident)

  11. As I was studying in Bombay, I visit my native land BELGAUM during summer holidays. Every visit, I feel as if I found my lost thing. Those days, Belgaum was receiving very heavy rainfall with ice balls which makes me to collect, the paper boat I leave in flowing water, watching rainbow. I enjoyed my 3 years of engineering studies in Gomatesh polytechnic (1988). Now I am in Saudi Arabia. Still I enjoy remembering roads, trees, Bunglows, College passers, tea with friends, cinema, cycling and much more.

  12. Union gymkhana ground was very popular for cricket on 31 st march 1961 Test cricketers Umrigar TAMHANE NADKARNI SARDESAI MANOHAR HARDIKAR PLAYED IN A FESTIVAL MATCH in which NADKRNI 103 runs Umrigar ‘s fast 52runs. marvellous keeping by wk Narendra tamhane was the best exhibitions.


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