Will this rail budget also pass by non stop

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It is that time of the year when the Budgets is on every one mind and this time the Rail budget and the Union Budget has been deferred to March due to the elections in the five states.

Normally for the Rail budget the Member of Parliament give their representations very well in advance and few just manage to send it in time like February.

Bangalore Mirror in an article states, that Dharwad MP Prahlad Joshi has asked railway minister Dinesh Trivedi to make Rani Chennama Express run between Bangalore and Miraj. It now runs between Bangalore and Kolhapur.

In the representation made the MP has also stated that the train be rescheduled- “The Rani Chennamma Express is a night express train to Bangalore and if the train is rescheduled to 9pm from Hubli, it will reach Bangalore before 5.30am. This will make it easier for those who need to catch early-morning trains or flights for their onward journey.”

If the railway minister adheres to the representation of Mr.Joshi then it will be again a bad timing for people traveling from Belgaum as then the train will have to depart before 5.30 pm.

We are unaware if our MP Suresh Angadi has made any representations this year. Still we dont have a train to Goa other than Nizamuddin which departs at midnight.

The Train to Mumbai is always booked and the long pending demand that the inter city train from Bangalore be extended upto Belgaum. The extension of the inter city train is very unlikely due to the travel time but some new trains have to be started which the rail budget hasnt given us in the recent past.

0 thoughts on “Will this rail budget also pass by non stop”

  1. The following rail routes are important for Belgaum city :-
    1.Lucknow-Raebareli-Allahbad-jabalpur-Itarsi-Manmad-Daund-Pune-Miraj- Belgaum-Goa.
    2.Jammu-Delhi-Bhopal -itarsi-manmad-daund-pune-Belgaum-bangalore.
    3.A link from Miraj- Belgaum-Londa connecting the Goa Howrah express via Londa ,Hubli @ londa.

    I think only the MP’s Suresh Angadi,& Shri kore can help us by making representation to the Railway Minister.

  2. We want daily trains from Bangalore-Belgaum-Bangalore in evening time. Because Rani Chennamma is the only train and it will be always Jam pack.It would be great if Shatabdi Express would be extended to Belgaum. Please people raise your voice..!!

  3. We need the following trains
    1.HUBLI -PANVEL-PANVEL via Miraj
    2.HUBLI-BELGAUM -HUBLI INTERCITY after a Direct link via Kittur
    Convey this to our beloved MPS’S Shri Suresh Angadi and Shri.Prabhakar Kore

    • Hi Mr Nanda lala, would you not like to have train to from Hubli-Dwarka or Hubli Mathura your brith place,…crap!!!! we are talking about Belgaum here

      • Mr Satish Kumar,

        Trains which are departting from Hubli are passing thru’ Belgaum,Belgaum can’t be Source Station until Train halting facilities and Upgradation of Station is not taken up.Because of Narrow minded thinking of People,Belgaum is lagging behind compared to HUBLI

        • Why can’t Belgaum be sourcing station? Because the infrastructure is deliberately not developed around Belgaum station (What if Hubli as SWR head quarter), I had written enough letters and design plan along with UDAY sharing it on ABB before to Mr. So called Belgaum public representatives including the CM and MP’s , It is not narrow minded thinking of people of Belgaum it is our politicians of Belgaum being also short sighted on developmental aspect, having just 3 core sanctioned so for making Class A station status for Belgaum. Which doesn’t include?
          1) Watering the bogies and pit lines.
          2) Sidings for maintenance and charging the batteries
          3) Construction of additional island platform, Providing south side access to station,
          4) Moving of Goods shed road to Sambra along with integrated truck terminal.
          Just making Hubli as originating point of some trains doesn’t benefit Belgaum in any way. And Finally justify What makes people of Hubli broad minded?????

          • Mr.SATISH KUMAR
            It is possible ,if Central /State Govt,acquires sufficient land outside the city.Exisiting Railway stn. is at conjusted place

      • It is possible ,if and only if a Railway minister from Belgaum region, The
        Railway track passing thru’ the city must be realigned from Sambra Station,
        One track directly connecting Dharwad via Kittur,One track track divertd from Halga station towrds Desur via Yellur,one track towrds Lokapur to connect Bagalkot,another towrds Savantvadi ,one track to Sankeshwar ,Nipani, Like this Sambra and Halga stations can be made junctions,with night halting facilities at Halga Junction Station close to Suvarna Vidhana Soudha ,A BIG DREAM FOR BELGAUM can be realised.

        • First of all Why cant our present Belgaum MP MLA do this and pressurise Railway Ministers, and for Sawantwadi and Kolhapur we dont need to make Sambra a junction it is already a junction, there is an old Meter gauge track from Sambra going towards Indal, just same can be extended towards Sankeshwar and Kolhapur thorugh Muttennatti and Vantmuri mountain pass.
          Halga cannot be junction since falls in restricted radius of Green zone of Vidhan Saudha, well South side access for track continuation towards Desur and Dharwad can be achieved without much land acquisiton and altercation, but for this We Belgaumites need to have enough fire in our belly…..I would advise you to make some surveys of demographies to have better ideas of Belgaums sorrundings…

  4. Karnataka especially Interior karnataka has a weak Railway Infra structure.The number of Double lines & Electrified tracks are at present Non-Existing except on the Bangalore -Chennai section. The Rajdhani Express from Delhi -Hyderabad very much unfortunately does not pass through Belgaum though the route is viable and load factor is good.A Double track from Mumbai – Bangalore via Belgaum duly Electrified is desperately needed.In addition to this the Route mentioned in your Blog by Shivanand Hiremath are also needed.Who else can take initiative for the said developments other than our MP Shri Suresh Angadi & Shri Kore.

  5. There should at least 2 trains in day for all 7 days for Bangalore and Mumbai in evening time because many people are traveling now a days.
    And the train from Belgaum to Rajasthan should be increased it should everyday for all 7 days in week.

  6. Why Hubli people and politicians are always against Belgaum? We have only one train Rani Channamma which is much convenient one and it’s time for us. If they are clinching that also then what would be the future of Belgaum the second capital of Karnataka state. Shame on the locale representatives who are sitting calm without raising our concerns and voice. Waste MLA MP good for nothing………

  7. Our representatives have no backbone, all they are good at is chamchagiri of some leader, without using their brains. I also think that they us for granted- “do-whatever-I-will-elected” attitude. Upgradation of the station, 2-3 trains each to Blore and Mumbai, 5-6 trains each to Goa, Kolhapur and Dharwad are the basic things. We are deprived of even our basics requirements.

  8. ppl of Hubli too dont want Belgaum to get its Basic needs 🙁
    But as Proverb says it all
    Belgaum Standing Still
    Living its life even after so many Issue
    Fightest wil survive sad to know or MP’s & MLA’s are Busy Conducting Events
    Busy Filling their Pockets
    at other side Language issue
    Every city has its day
    Some day Belgaum even u wil Rock as like other cities too 🙂

  9. The urgent need of the hour is Belgaum Dharwad double line the survey was done long back but no budget alloted from state govt to start this project due to vested political interest of certain MP and MLA of N Karnataka, and later Sawantwadi-Belgaum-Lokapur , and further Bagalkot-Raichur , there are 7 trains from Hubli to Bnaglore and we only have one that too via Londa taking lot of time.
    On the other hand central railways has already tendered the survey for Belgaum-Nippani-Kolhapur-Karad rail lines, the rate of retrn for Belgaum Dharwad rail line is 14% highest among all listed projects (source IDECK Karnataka)but yet not started

  10. First thing to be done on prime priority is direct single line to Belgaum-Dharwad.. Second is- completion of double line from Bangalore-Pune.. after these two investments, Railways have to run the all possible trains for payback on the expenditures made on above said developments.. One should stop blame game with respect to city, region or person in specific..!
    Raise the voice a loud..!

  11. Guys

    Please dont hope anything from Angadi …. I know he will be MUM again in assembly …. And dont be surprised too if the timings of RANI CHENNAMMA EXPRESS gets changed… 🙂

  12. Please attention our honrable MPs (Angadi, Ramesh Katti,P Kore) Do something for Belgaum Railway improvement like rail halting specility,Belgaum to Bengalore night train like something do yar….


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