20,000 Likes on AllAboutBelgaum page on Facebook

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By editor

20finalQuite literally a ‘Milestone Moment’! 

All About Belgaum is a journey of sorts, a journey where we meet people, interact, share, criticize, evaluate, reflect, appreciate and reach out to each person across the globe who is able to identify with and care for this wonderful sweet corner of the blue planet that we call and know as ‘Belgaum’.

It is often opined that counting numbers is a fool hardy thing to do when we talk in the sense of friends and loved ones.
All About Belgaum takes great pride in acknowledging and appreciating the fact that these numbers are not just statistics; they are a reflection of acceptance and a common thread that binds the AAB family together on a global platform.

Thanks for making it happen, thanks for being there and having over 15,000 LIKES on our page on Facebook.

The Best is ‘Yet to Come’!

The page was launched on June 23, 2009 (website was launched on August 7, 2007)


3 thoughts on “20,000 Likes on AllAboutBelgaum page on Facebook”

  1. I Amos happy that “our” AAB has now 20,000+ lovers. I have beem in touch with AAB since inception. I am proud of that.

  2. Dear AAB Team, Congratulations!!!
    You guys are doing a great job, this is the best platform for getting connected with Belgaum especially for people like me who are very attached to Belgaum and miss very dearly.
    Work takes us places but our hearts live in Belgaum.
    Missing Belgaum very much.
    AAB team, wish you all the best and let the legacy continue.


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