50 acres of land near Hubli for Infosys Where is Belgaum?

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By editor

belgaum_saluteThe Hindu in a story says – Software giant Infosys has been sanctioned 50 acres of land near Hubli. Chief Minister Jagadish Shettar announced this after releasing the BJP’s manifesto for elections to the Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation.

He said elected representatives from the region had been urging Infosys, which has its campuses in Bangalore, Mysore and Mangalore, to invest in Hubli to facilitate IT development in the region. “We convinced them to invest in Hubli and sanctioned 50 acres of land,” he said.

The above said by Mr.Shettar needs attention of all the Belgaumites – “ elected representatives from the region had been urging Infosys to invest in Hubli to facilitate IT development in the region.”

The first question that came to our mind when we read this story was what are our elected representatives urging upon?

IT park at Desur has no takers as there is no infrastructure in place and one cannot say that the entrepreneurs in Belgaum are not interested. Even without doing any major development the prices of the plots at IT park Desur have been hiked and most importantly no IT major was tried to brought there which would have encouraged the local entrepreneurs to set up shop there.

Mr.Shettar said they are speaking with the Civil aviation ministry so that Air India can fly from Hubli. Already work on the expansion of the Hubli airport is on but in Belgaum after 5 years the land acquired has been transferred to AAI.

The question that comes to mind is, are we here only to pay taxes and stay as the states second biggest tax paying district even when we have no BIG and huge industries.

May it be railways or Airways or IT companies or Manufacturing companies why is that no one wants to come to Belgaum. Infact the query we got was “where is Belgaum ?” from a foreign associate of a MNC company who was in Bangalore.
The cosy little sleepy town of Belgaum has remained cosy and sleepy over the years and have so the elected representatives. Who do speak after questions are asked but are not proactive is what experts say.
Again a school of thought says why do you want to wake up this sleepy town and make it another Bangalore.
Maybe we in Belgaum always prefer to sleep over cozily and then shout over after battle has been lost. 

Photo Credits Shrey R Dhanawadkar and Friends

16 thoughts on “50 acres of land near Hubli for Infosys Where is Belgaum?”

  1. I hope this important message will also reach to those ministers and other required personals. Simply talking about these things in AAB is not gonna help guys.

      • that is d best solution! m agree too!
        but Who will tie the bell on the cat’s neck?
        and wht is d assurance of next representatives? all r same,, now i dont believe ne one of dem,,
        Ek hi har(mala) ke moti,, hehe,,

  2. One suggestions to ABB…

    Summaries the achievements/activities that our elected representatives has done for the people’s/societies demands till now. And then let us people decide their fate in next election.

    • wht is der to summarize? no one has done ne thing gr8! only dey have eaten our ****! ther sud be no such kind of election process,, hand over it to somebody who can bare all d probs n blame too.

    • but why Editor sir so silent. anyway one thing we can do in next election thats all people should boycott election but its very difficult because all people should agree for this.Then only something will be happen otherwise….

    • To summarize, our so called elected leader have made their B balance heavy by opening ENGG college in their name that too in the MLIRC firing range.
      i have posted many comments b4 but there was no use coz we donot have power to change.
      M afraid whether the Sambra Airport might just remain training camp for Airforce and shut down aviation services completely 🙁

  3. i am not getting what our belgaum idiot,stupid MLA & ministers are doing? one thing is very clear whether they dont have ability,forget about duties or whether they are elected for Hubli-Dharwad. if govt. of Karnataka not willing to develop Belgaum then why the hell they are fighting for Belgaum. Why Govt.doing this bullshit kind of discrimination with Belgaum region. really its not digestible for people of Belgaum. Editor kindly suggest any action or take urself. we are always with u & for Belgaum.

  4. only way is to come out, get independent from Karnataka and Maharashtra. Its better to merge with Goa and become a pioneer city of Goa. Nobody is interested to invest in belgaum coz of border dispute. lets smash it. Dont worry about language, we all r human being,

    we learned ” Jana Gana Mana ” in school,, apply here!
    Hum sab bharatiya hai, apni manjeel ek hai,,

    Den why border dispute? nothing will happen with this,, it will take Belgaum to backward.

    Save belgaum!!Jai Belgaum!

  5. im sorry to say this but hubli city alone (excluding dharwad) has more potential than the belgaum… commercially, educationally, world class hospitals, connectivity, city population, city area, people coming from outside for business purpose, industrially, on top of all this, it has dharwad as a sister city which has the population of around 3.5 lacks n developed industrial area n educational hub.. the hubli city has grown on its own no support has been provided by the govt as belgaum… so stop blaming n work for the development of business.. mega companies will come automatically..

  6. This is becauseI belguamwalo , u live in Karnataka and u live like maharashtrians, people speak Marathi 70%, there is no respect for Kannada, v hubli dharwad people love our state and Kannada, so we are growing up. U come hubli dharwad ull get real kannadigas, stop blaming govt. Because govt. Is same in India, we love our state. And we grow up by youngsters.


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