
58 units free for new connections

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By uday

The energy department has clarified the confusion surrounding the provision of up to 200 units of free power to citizens who have recently purchased or built a house or moved to a new property. These residents will now be covered under the Gruha Jyothi scheme, but will only be entitled to 53 units of free power per month, along with an additional 10% allocation.

Initially, questions were raised about the inclusion of new home buyers and tenants in the program due to the lack of one-year data on average electricity consumption. The average annual consumption among the 2.14 crore households is 53 units per month.

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To address the issue, it has been decided to provide new property owners and tenants with a monthly average of 53 units for the next year, along with the 10% additional that amounts to approximately 58-59 units per month. If citizens use more than 58-59 units but remain within the 200-unit limit, they will only have to pay for the additional usage. However, if they exceed the 200-unit limit, they will be responsible for paying the entire bill amount.

This clarification provides much-needed clarity for citizens who have recently purchased or moved into a new property. The Gruha Jyothi scheme aims to provide affordable and accessible power to all citizens, and this decision ensures that new property owners and tenants are not left out of the program.

2 thoughts on “58 units free for new connections”

  1. Till date in a few areas the bills for the previous month are not issued. This is apli ploy as the units will now fall into the higher slabs and consumers will have to shell out for using more for no fault of theirs


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