Cheers to Elections

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By editor

It’s hardly 11.30 am and the bar in a city suburb is full with no place to sit. When inquired with the bar owner he said the rush of customers has definitely increased once the campaigning has started. Another bar owner says the tetra packs of liquor such as Whiskey and rum under Rs.100 are out of stock.

In a liquor store since the model code of conduct has come into force sale of loose liquor has been banned and hence the rush to the Bars is more, a shop owner noted.

Also each shop owner has been clamped with huge restrictions on how much liquor cases one can buy by the Election commission, even distillery’s which work 24×7 now work only for 8-12 hours.

Sale of Vodka is the maximum one shop owner said as it smells least.

The total sale of liquor from March 20 to April 25 in Belgaum is 4,13,211 cases which amounts to Rs 76,44,38,000, informed Merunandan. He said that out of them IML (Indian Made Liquor) are 2,86,705 cases amounting Rs.63,52,80,000 and Beer -1,26,506 cases amounting Rs.12,9158,000.

Hoorakh, a local made liquor of Cashew fruit is also in great demand.


2 thoughts on “Cheers to Elections”

  1. Democracy of the drunkards?
    Or should we call it the
    Drunken dance of democracy.

    I know this is bullshit but I have to give kodos to the election commission for placing such well implemented restrictions. I remember the last elections where each party had “parties” in the city where they had car driving around giving out liquor and money, and ranni cha nama circle was covered head to toe in political hoardings.

  2. What a great country and countrymen ! Is liquor deciding who should rule us ? Are they cleansing our land with liquor ? Its really shame on our part !!


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