Counting of votes at RPD Tomorrow

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Now all eyes are on the RPD college where the counting of votes for all the 18 assembly constituencies will begin tomorrow at 8 am.
There are 18 different halls for each AC and 14 tables each where the counting process will start.
First the postal ballot will be counted and then the evms.
Elaborate police arrangements have been made in the city.
The RPD college road would be blocked for traffic at RPD circle and Gomatesh cross. All traffic would be diverted via congress road.
So lets wait to see who are new elected representatives are.

1 thought on “Counting of votes at RPD Tomorrow”

  1. Congress and BJP are both corrupt.. But going by what is happening I believe Congress is more corrupt..Its like choosing best in worst.

    If Congress comes back, Karnataka and Belgaum are doomed, as they will only look after South Karnataka ..:(


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