Why should you Vote for – Nagesh Sakhare Belgaum North

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Why should you Vote for – ? 

Under this category we will try and get answers from different contesting candidates as to their view for Belgaum and what they intend to do if elected. Here is the first one –

Nagesh Sakhare – Loksatta Party – Belgaum North

nageshWhy should the electorate vote for you/ your party?

Nagesh ———> Politics of unity (Kannada Marathi mainly ) to end this mess in Belgaum which is affecting Belgaum growth. We are here for clean politics with clean money, transparency, development with corruption free policies good governance for regaining the lost faith of people in the political system. which I am capable to implementing as i have seen the most developed system and can bridge that gap in our developing system.

Is there anything specific that you will contribute to the city of Belgaum, if you are elected?

Nagesh ———> Politics of unity take all people along – not divisive Politics based on religion, caste, language IT help desk in every ward to get all govt works, help and documents will be provided in Kannada and Marathi

Dustbin for every 200 meter, toilet for every 1 km to keep city clean Parking Facility in city Road Insurance to make sure pothole free road or any construction will be allowed only with insurance of 5 years all city Bus stops with all information about buses and automatic display of time of bus arrival

Adopt Govt School to improve education quality Increase reservation by 5% but it should not be given to student who study in convent school Providing coaching to poor student to utilize the reservations which are used by rich student. Clean policies without any scope for Corruption

State level :

Clean policies without any scope for Corruption, Push for reforms – police judicial reform , power crisis , water , organic farming,infrastructure Increase reservation by 5% but it should not be given to student who study in convent school, providing coaching to poor student to utilize the reservations which are used by rich student.

What has been your greatest contribution to Belgaum till date?

Nagesh ———> I am naive to this field this is gone be my beginning big fight. But I have been doing my part in developing my village where I have taken initiative to improve the quality of education I have donated the computer to high school and wherever I go on vacation I will go to school and give guidance to student.

This region has been relatively ignored as compared to South Karnataka. How will you change the trend?

Nagesh ———> Region is ignored just because of political fight for dispute but in recent years it changed but this is not the pace which we want to see Belgaum developing we want more and I will thrive for all around development without corruption.

What qualities in you make you a special candidate?

Nagesh ———> I will be one of the best option for the 40% of the people who doesn’t vote just because there are not a good candidates to vote. Factors which will help me are. Politics of unity (Kannada Marathi mainly) Clean, young, educated with message of unity taking all people along. Moreover its entry into political system which we hate as always, to change it for better, first election is to loose and prepare to win faith of people for the next coming elections.

According to you are there some factors which would go against you?

Nagesh ———> Might the 20% people who sell their votes and 10 % hardcore supporter of party which votes blindly

Would you like to commit something to the electorate?

Nagesh ———> I will commit them politics of unity , integrity and honesty which has disappeared in out Indian politics and i want to be common man as them not like our politician.

What are ur plans for the young generation which are migrating to other cities like Banglore,Pune etc.?

Nagesh ———> Will promote IT, small , medium scale industries to create jobs in Belgaum, we can take advantage of multi lingual skills to create more jobs.

What are ur plans for the protection of environment ? Green Belgaum,No plastic zone or Rain Water harvesting etc

Nagesh ———> Dustbin for every 200 meter, toilet for every 1 km to keep city clean, create awareness among Belgaumites to to promote waste management , water management , use solar etc in short promote Belgaum as green destination in the world.

What are your plans for beautification of Belgaum? Marketing of Belgaum to attract tourist, to increase the local business etc.?

Nagesh ———> City can be Beautiful only if its Clean as given above. Dustbin for every 200 meter, toilet for every 1 km to keep city clean. I want to make Clean Belgaum, green Belgaum and provide the city with world class facility so that people who visit Goa should come to Belgaum for its world class facilities and green city.

What are your thoughts on making the Meters compulsory for Autos?
Nagesh ———> Yes I feel Meters are a must.

Name : Nagesh Sakhare
Party : LokSatta Party
Age : 29
Contact : [email protected]
Education : BE BMS college Bangalore under VTU – 2006
Profession : Software Engineer
Assets : Self:10,22,506 spouse: 6,10,800
  : Dependent 1: Dep 2:
  : Immovable: 2,00,000 Dependent:
Immovable   Self acquired: inherited:
Liabilities : Self: husband: Depen:
cases : No
PAN submitted : Yes
IT return : 2012-13 Submitted Income shown: 35,503


2 thoughts on “Why should you Vote for – Nagesh Sakhare Belgaum North”

  1. Dear Nagaesh,

    Please publish yourself, so that people can know about you and your motive to serve the city to its best with best governance. (prefer local news paper add a small canvacing template enter all about your details which you submitted while nomination and also how best you can server the city)

    The above points are comman but still, prefered to say them.



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