On 22/01/2022 Mr. Ajit Patil filed an RTI to City Corporation, Belagavi seeking information regarding all the Active car-parking Tender agreements of City Corporation with different entities at all the locations under the limit of city corporation Belgaum.
It was filed because in more than a few instances many individuals in the name of the Corporation are charging illegal parking fees or collecting more money than what is authorized by the Corporation.
The corporation replied that there are only two active places authorized by the Corporation for collection of parking fees i.e
One at Bapat Galli and one at Club Road.
The Tender for collection of Parking at Bapat Galli is granted to one Mr. Santosh Tanaji Patil and for the Club Road, it’s granted to one Mrs. Vaneeta Vivekananda Patil. The rules that need to be adhered to by the contractors are:
- That there has to be a banner/board installed displaying parking fee by the hour and the name of the authorised collecting personnel.
- That the receipt has to be mandatorily issued to each vehicle charged and the receipt used should be the one certified by the Corporation.
- That the current parking charges authorised at both the places are Rs 30/- for every three hours for four wheelers and nil for two wheelers.
If you find any contractor violating the above-mentioned rules, please Whatsapp videos, pictures, recordings to 741-741-8338
Please be aware of this and do not pay any wrongful or extra parking charges at any instance.
Click here to download the RTI response document.
What about the parking charges at bogarves circle, they still collect parking fees there, what action is been taken there…
That belongs to the Cantonment board. A similar RTI application has been filed but the reply is yet to be received