Belagavi Railway station ranks 271 in Cleanliness

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Minister of Railways, Shri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu released Third Party Audit Report on Station Cleanliness Vishakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh and Beas in Punjab is the Cleanest Station in A1, A Category Stations Respectively. Khammam station Comes 2nd Rank in Station Cleanliness in A Category from 285 Rank previous Year.

Belagavi Railway station ranks 271

Total Score was 609 out of 1000
Process Audit Score 178
Direct Observation Score 197 – Rank 248
Citizen Feedback score 234 – Rank 229

The parameters adopted for conducting the survey are: Evaluation of Process of cleanliness in Parking, main entry area, main platform, waiting room,(33.33%) direct observation by QCI assessors of cleanliness in these areas (33.33%) and passenger feedback(33.33%). A 24×7 control room was set up and images were geo-tagged to monitor progress.

belgaum-stn-rankbelgaum-stn-rankbelgaum-stn-rankThe survey was conducted through interviews with respondents on the questionnaire on cleanliness indicators, which was done face to face by survey teams by visiting each of the 407 stations across 16 Zonal Railways. Every passenger was asked to rate the cleanliness of stations objectively on 40 different cleanliness parameters.

Purely based on the survey on the cleanliness of stations and the analysis thereof, 407 major stations have been given rankings in this Report submitted by the survey agency to Ministry of Railways for scrutiny and further action.

3 thoughts on “Belagavi Railway station ranks 271 in Cleanliness”

    • You should appreciate that its a private domain and not a government/official funded one. So stop ‘net’-picking. If you are so picky and not liking it, nobody forces you to visit the website.
      On a lighter note, someone could ask you why Rajendra and not Rajender (just because they like Rajender!). Take a chill pill and appreciate the work by the author/owner for his/their effort. if you cannot encourage, atleast don’t troll 😉


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