Belgaum second populated district in Karnataka

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By editor

The demographic details of the Census 2011 are still pouring in and Belgaum district is the second most populated district only after Bangalore with a 47,78,439 which makes it 7.82% of the states population.

Belgaum district has also taken a lead over Mysore.

Bangalore—95,88,910—15.69 %

Belgaum—–47,78,439—-7.82 %

Mysore——29,94,774—-4.90 %

Tumkur——26,81,449—-4.39 %

Gulbarga—-25,65,892—-4.20 %

Between 2001-2011 Belgaum contributed 34% to the over all growth in population.


5 thoughts on “Belgaum second populated district in Karnataka”

  1. Looks great, but its good, the population has controlled, atleast showing signs of control, what we see in Bangalore is migration and not growth 🙂 Belgaum was around 42 lakhs in 2001, a meare 5 lakhs added to 13415 sq km… in 2011! The district is way too big, so looks populated, but in real terms of city, we are very far away from cities like Mysore & Hubli !

  2. Also to correct this statement in the article:
    "Between 2001-2011 Belgaum contributed 34% to the over all growth in population."

    that states Belgaum has 2 crore population :), its misinterpreted, 2001 population was 42 lakhs, now 47 odd lakhs, that adds 5 lakhs, so in terms of whole states populas increase is not even by 0.1%..
    Something wrong in the mentioned above, Not Belgaum (city), the whole District has grown just by 5 lakhs, very less compared to others, for all youngesters do migrate to Bangalore for JOBS after graduation and is also a reason Bangalore showing huge growth in population 🙂


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