After Sunday’s incident of Lathi charge by the state police on the villagers of Yellur, after the removal of the ‘Maharashtra Rajya’ plaque, the village is limping back to normalcy. Not many shops were open but people did come out in small numbers to go to work and carry on their normal life. Even now there is police presence in Yellur. The city is normal as well.
The lathi charge done on Sunday was in way very frightful, with the police breaking the doors open of the houses and then beating up the people. Visuals on TV channels showed that police broke the doors of houses and entered inside. A woman complained that her two-month-old baby was hit by a stone. Even old people and even youngsters were not left and beaten badly.
However the media is a buzz with comments and counter attacks by people from various places.
CM Siddaramaiah in Bangalore said, There have been no atrocities against Marathis in Belgaum, situation under control. Taking action against only those people who are taking law into their hands he further added.
Even tough no Bandh call was given for Belgaum many people were anticipating one and asking each other of the same. Prohibitory orders are still clamped until Tuesday midnight. However the rush anticipated in the market being the last day before Ramzan, businessmen said that today was the dullest day. Even tough traffic is normal the rush for buying is not visible.
Joint Commissioner (Crime) Hemant Nimbalkar who has been deputed to look into this issue by the home department is here and has spoken to many villagers and also sought information and met the injured in the Lathi charge.
Outrightly one sided report. Action against villagers detailed so vividly. No effort being made to get to know what prompted police to take such extreme action. Maybe “apolitical editor” doesn’t want to know it.