A heartwarming story emerged in Ingali village of Chikkodi, Belagavi district where Mahadev Mahaling Mali, a remarkable centenarian aged 103 years and four months, exercised his right to vote from the comfort of his own bed.
Officials brought a ballot paper copy and a steel ballot box to his home, explaining the process of casting his vote from home. Mr. Mali, who had previously voted using ballot papers, was delighted to participate in the democratic process once again. The entire event was documented through photographs and videos, capturing the significance of this momentous occasion. It is inspiring to see individuals like Mr. Mali, who despite their age, continue to value their civic duty and actively participate in shaping the future of their community.
CEC Shri Rajiv Kumar today telephonically thanked 103-year-old elderly voter Shri Mahadeva Mahalinga Mali who recently cast his vote from his home at Chikkodi in Belagavi in the ongoing Karnataka Assembly Elections 2023. While conveying his gratitude to Shri Mahadeva for participating in the ongoing Karnataka Assembly Elections, CEC Shri Kumar said that elderly voters like Shri Mahadeva are an inspiration for young & urban voters to participate in the festival of democracy. Shri Kumar added that elderly voters’ participation in elections have been instrumental in laying the foundation of India.
Shri Mahadeva expressed his gratitude to CEC Shri Kumar for the home voting facility provided by the Election Commission to the elderly voters like him for the first time in the Karnataka Assembly Elections 2023. He mentioned that in previous elections, he visited the polling station in a wheelchair to cast his vote, as home voting facility was not available earlier. Shri Mahadeva urged all voters of Karnataka to participate in the Karnataka Assembly elections, where polling is scheduled on May 10, 2023.
CEC Shri Kumar said that Mahalinga dedication to democracy is a reminder that Every Vote matters and Election Commission is committed to ensuring inclusive, participative and accessible elections.
The Election Commission of India has endeavored to bring the polling. station to the doorstep of voters who face difficulties in coming to the booths. For the first time Optional Home voting Facility has been made available in Karnataka for Senior citizens who have crossed 80 years and PwD voters with 40% benchmark disability. Over 7362 Eighty year plus voters and over 1708 PwD voters have opted for a home voting facility in the ongoing Karnataka Assembly Elections in Belagavi District. For the first time 6975 Eighty year plus and 1661 PwD voters totally 8636 have voted from home in Belagavi District from 29th April 2023. The polling is scheduled on May 10, 2023 in all 18 Assembly Constituencies in Belagavi.