It all started with the rape and murder of Sheetal Chougale, wife of Ravindranath Chougale. She was allegedly raped and murdered by the Praveen Shintre at the Rajdeep Bunglow at Laxmi nagar. It is believed that Ravindranath, husband of Sheetal only gave the killing contract to Shintre. Investigations in Sheetals murder reveled that the accused with his gang had murdered another 5 people in the rajdeep bunglow. The police are still investigating the gang so that they come to exactly how many were killed.
In the city various women’s associations have called for a Belgaum BANDH on Friday and many political parties and other social organizations have lent their support for the bandh.
This picture taken at 2 pm on 30-08-2007 where hundreds of women gathered and protested against the killing of Sheetal Chougale and demaned that Belgaum will be BANDH on Friday.
Crime has prevailed in Belgaum since decades. It being equi distance from Mumbai, Bangalore and Hydrabad, being close to the shore(Goa) is like a HUB for the culprits. Karnataka Government should take more steps towards securing Belgaum from the ill effects of crime and criminals. Law should come down strongly on criminals and bring them behind the bars.
Dear Anonymous,
I very well agree to your statement . Very Very Apologetic to say that the systems of law
give much scope to criminals. The Examples of loop holes for the criminals to go scot free
are proofs (Can be got by some effort)witness usually only the Rich can give.The other worst
loop hole the criminal gets is the Benefit of Doubt.
Its high time the laws should be changed and the public also be involved in maintaining the
law instead of leaving it to the police alone. By doing this there will be a crimeless society.