Congress road a pothole fairy tale

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By editor

congressroad2congressroad1Once there was a road which was a part of the NHH4A and a main road to connect the north of the city to the north. The road is also named after the current political party in the driving seat.
Once a commuter enters the road at Gogte circle you have the tension of which pothole to miss and which one to go through. The govt has left you with seldom choices that way, if you miss one, be sure to go through two atleast. Go a bit further near Military Mahadev main gate and you will be surprised to see the scale of potholes that reappear on the same area year after year without any delay just after the rains start.
To add to the woes exactly this part which is under the jurisdiction of the Cantonment board, the street lights don’t illuminate and there is pitch darkness and ofcourse the potholes for a bouncy journey.
Yesterday a elderly lady was thrown from a bike while the driver tried to dodge a pothole but eventually went into the biggest one on the road.
The Cantonment should look at this state of the road which is a great example of shoddy work.
This fairy tale of Congress road would continue until the authorities spend some quality time in making good roads.
Even after 60 years of Independence what we are longing for are good roads. What apathy?

2 thoughts on “Congress road a pothole fairy tale”

  1. Belagavi… Gilagavi… my brother Satish sings!
    Hats off to you guys: the Muncipal Corporation. Government, more than anyone the people of Belagavi!

    It is indeed a pain walking or driving on the roads of Belagavi.

    You are now confirmed Gilagavi!!!


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