Cops in action collect over 9 Lakhs fine in 3 days

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Judge sets target for Cops to book traffic violators, Principal District and Sessions Judge R.J. Satish Singh has set a target for the police to register cases through a drive. Taking serious note of growing incidences of accidents and glaring violations of helmet and other traffic rules in Belagavi and other cities and towns in the district he has asked the police department to look into all the violations very seriously.

traffic police fineIn all in past 3 days Total cases 9138 fine amount collected. Rs 916200 and mainly the charge is no Helmets.

2486 cases booked fine collected 2,48,600 on Monday

1909 cases booked fine collected 190900 on Tuesday
3722 cases booked fine collected 371800 on Wednesday

No autos have been booked so far for any violations, and DCP Amarnath Reddy has assured stern action on Autos from Monday. (Hope the Monday arrives).

0 thoughts on “Cops in action collect over 9 Lakhs fine in 3 days”

  1. Auto Walas / Street Hawkers are our vote bank for our MLA near Central Bus Stand and Khade Bazaar, hence no actions on them 🙂 Karnataka Government will never take any action against their vote banks


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