Covaxin trials yet to begin in Belagavi

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On 17 July, Bharat Biotech announced the initiation of Covaxin’s phase-1 clinical trials “across the country on 15 July.” However, a DH probe revealed that the trials have not begun at most of the 12 medical institutions, reports the Deccan Herald.

Bharat Biotech sources too confirmed only two test sites – AIIMS Patna and PGIMS Rohtak as having started the trials on 15 and 17 July, respectively.

jeevan-rekha covaxin

Jeevan Rekha hospital in Belagavi is waiting for the vaccines as per the report in the DH.
Dr. Amit Bhate, director, Jeevan Rekha said that their trials are expected to begin “next week.” “We are ready; we can proceed once we get the vaccines and instructions. I cannot reveal a date now,” Dr. Bhate told DH on Sunday. Dr. Bhate said they are looking at a sample size of 150-200 for the trials, add the DH report.

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