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Cylinder blast kills 2 building collapses

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A LPG cylinder blast occurred this morning in Bhandur Galli, Angol in which the two storied building collpased. The house belonged to Krishna Kharde. The blast occurred on the ground floor and after the same the entire building collapsed.

2 people have died and 5 are injured, two people have been rescued. The deceased have been identified as Trupti G Kulkarni(10) and Padmavati Kulkarni. Three families were residing in the said building.

2 thoughts on “Cylinder blast kills 2 building collapses”

  1. why did dey permit 3 floor building without inspection? I heard it was load bearing construction. who is responsible for this?
    The wife who wanted to serve a Tea to her husband?
    The Land lord who owns the building? The contractor who build it? Or Belgaum’s Municipality who even dont bother abt safety ?


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