During a recent session in the Lok Sabha, Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw they disclosed that the Karnataka Government has yet to provide the necessary land for the construction of the railway line connecting Dharwad and Belagavi. The proposed railway line, spanning 73 kilometers and passing through Kittur, has been approved on a cost-sharing basis between the Railways and the Government of Karnataka. The Minister emphasized that the state government is expected to provide the land free of cost for this project.
The responsibility of acquiring the land has been entrusted to the Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB). Despite the submission of requisitions for 888 acres of land, no land has been transferred to the project as of yet. This information was shared by the Minister in response to a query from Uttara Kannada Lok Sabha member Vishweshwar Hegde Kageri.
The central government had sanctioned the construction of the 73-kilometer railway line between Dharwad and Belagavi in September 2019. The project is estimated to require approximately 600 acres of land in Belagavi district and 230 acres in Dharwad district, with a total cost of Rs 927 crore. The implementation of this new railway line has been a longstanding demand of the region’s residents, as it is expected to significantly reduce travel time between the two cities.
Gadag -Yalavigi railway line is also pending even after approval from central government..
It’s matter of concern this project is more than half century old demand by this region but over the years many govt have come and gone, because of their lackluster attitude and the small project getting delayed due to escalation cost of land etc.and over years Govt in Bangalore over looked development of North Karnataka.Now it’s high time must materialise this project in faster pace
It’s matter of concern this project is more than half century old demand by this region but over the years many govt have come and gone, because of their lackluster attitude and the small project getting delayed due to escalation cost of land etc.and over years Govt in Bangalore over looked development of North Karnataka.Now it’s high time & must materialise this project in faster pace