Expedite the land acquisition for Bagalkot- Kudachi Railway Line

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Railway department’s first priority is to complete the land acquisition process for the Kudachi-Bagalkot railway line and hand over the land to the railway department, said MoSR Suresh Angadi.

He was speaking after presiding over a meeting of district officials and senior officials of the Railway Department and others in the Belagavi -Bagalkot district on Saturday (July 11).

The state government will have to pay 50 percent of the cost of the entire land and the project, which will be implemented as soon as local legislators and district officials are able to complete the project, said Suresh Angadi.

The remaining 114 acres of land acquisition process should be started immediately, he said.

The officials of the Railway Department and the District Officers were instructed to complete the process within a period of fifteen days, expediting the process of acquisition of the 41 acre land related to the Forest Department.


A new railway branch line of 142 km is being constructed from Bagalkot to Kudachi via Kajjidoni (Khajjidoni) which was sanctioned in the year 2010-2011 with an anticipated cost of 986.30 cr on 50:50 cost sharing basis and land free of cost by Government of Karnataka.

The section between Bagalkot and Kajjidoni has been completed and CRS inspection between Bagalkot-Khajdoni (30 km) was done on 14.06.2017. Further work can be taken up on acquisition of land by State Government.

Land acquisition in Bagalkot and Belagavi district.

• This project will be executed in 3 Phases.

• Total land required to be acquired for this project is 2487 A-16 G-06 An.

• So far 1301 A-26 G-06 An land has been acquired by GoK.

• Total land handed over to railway by GoK is 1226 A-29 G-11 An.

• Balance land to be acquired by GoK 1185 A-30 G-00 An.

(1) In Baglakot district under DC/ Bagalkot

Bagalkot – Kajjidoni (Km.0.0030.00=30.00km.) (Bagalkot Sub-Division, Bagalkot

• Section commissioned during June-2018.

• Total land required to be acquired for this phase : 632 A-11 G-05 An

• So far land acquired by GoK : 615 A-22 G-00 An

• Balance land to be acquired by GoK 16 A-29 G-05 An


Kajjidoni -Terdal (Km.30.0030.00 & 53.30-5650 & 6450- (Jamkhandi Sub-Division, Bagalkot District).

• Total land required to be acquired for this phase

• So far land acquired by GoK

• Balance land to be acquired by GoK

Forest Land

1349 A-38 G-14 An 454 A-39 G-02 An 894 A-39 G-12 An

• Total land required to be acquired for this phase 41 A-23 G-05 An • Present status: Proposal is under Stage-1 approval and with Nodal office since 01.06.2020.

(II) In Belagavi district under DC/ Belagavi


Terdal – Kudachi (Km.50.00-53.30 & 56.50-64.50 & 119.30-142.034.001cm.) (Bailhongal & Chikkodi Sub-Division, Belagavi District).

• Total land required to be acquired for this phase

• So far land acquired by GoK

• Balance land to be acquired by GoK

467 A-10 G-01 An 231 A-05 G-04 An 236 A-04 G-13 An

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