Find your name in the voters List: Be ready to vote

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The Electoral Rolls are being revised. The same is available to see on the Internet.

Just click on the link below:
You will see a page in Kannada fonts. Try and make out your area(i.e.Your pooling booth) and click on it. A pdf file will open again all in Kannada just find your name in it.

If your name is not there then click the link below:

I don’t know whether this thing of E-registration will work or no, but do give it a try. My name appeared in the voters list.

At the moment all the voters list have been revised. And the Electoral officers are now visiting houses to know whether you have the Voter ID card. If you don’t have one, a public Advertisement will be given as on when and where the VOTER ID cards will be made. I may also cover it so keep a watch.

Come ON… In a Democracy We must Vote and To Vote your name must be there in the Voters list.

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