On Tuesday Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa announced revised guidelines for celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi, allowing public installation of idols with a limited number of participants. The earlier order had banned public installations. Earlier, the government had restricted the festival to temples and homes only.
Festival can be celebrated in in public open spaces such as playgrounds where the height of the Ganesha idol should not exceed four feet. The height of the Ganesha idol that will be installed at homes should not exceed two feet which was already announced in the earlier guidelines.
Public events should not have more than 20 people and all the mandals must get the requisite permission from the Corporation/administration.
The government has also banned music, cultural, and other events as part of the Ganesha festival. And the idols must be immersed in designated tanks/ mobile tanks only, after being taken to the spot in the shortest possible route.
No public processions are allowed while buying and installing private Ganesha idols or while immersing the idols in wells.
The Ganesha idol at home will have to immersed at home or mobile vans arranged whereas idols installed in public places can be immersed in ponds or mobile tanks arranged by the local administration.