Green Saviours(Venugreen Project) – 100th Tree Planted at Aashraywadi, Nanawadi

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The Green Saviours team as part of the Venugreen Project planted 50 trees at an abandoned park at Aashray Colony, Nanawadi Belagavi on 25th April 2016. This group of people from various walks of life in the city has come together with the purpose of restoring the greenery to compensate for the effects of the road development that is happening in Belagavi.

In their first noteworthy accomplishment, they planted their 100th tree today. The plantation was done by Shri Gopal Mense, a senior citizen and wellwisher from the colony. Over 100 members of the group along with residents of the colony participated.

venugreenThe group is presently planting just a few trees across town in an attempt to generate awareness. Actual plantation work starts in the rainy season when they would also be planting fruiting trees. The group is also focusing on maintaining both the existing trees and the newly planted trees. Presently the focus is on building volunteers and planting trees in enclosed areas like institutions public parks,etc. The trees are being provided by the District Forest Department. At a later stage, trees will be planted along roads and even the region around the Yallur Fort which could accommodate thousands of trees. Thousands of volunteers would be required as the project evolves.

Green Saviours would like to invite people across Belagavi and beyond to join the effort. The activity is carried out every Sunday between 7.00 AM and 9.00 AM at a specific location in the city.

To join the project, please contact Project Coordinator- 9611313919

9 thoughts on “Green Saviours(Venugreen Project) – 100th Tree Planted at Aashraywadi, Nanawadi”

  1. Request people from all walks of life to participate.It took us less than 90 minutes to plant around 50 saplings.What an effort by Samir Sir.

  2. Great initiative ,I would like to be a part once Im relocate to Belgaum in July,but I want to bring to your notice the khasbag old P B ROAD which looks like a barren land,they have cut all trees to widen the road,if you all take initiative to plant some trees there it would be really great..


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