Helmet compulsory rule strictly observed from Feb 1

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A total of 1005 cases booked and a fine of Rs.1,06,000 (includes fine for non helmet for Pillion riders as well.)

The wearing of helmets for rider as well as Pillion rider rule has been strictly implemented by the Police department on day one.
The rule came into effect from January 12 as per the Supreme Court order after it was published in the government gazette.

Riders fined for not wearing helmet in Belagavi

First time offenders will have to pay a fine of Rs 100. Second time offenders will have to pay Rs 300 as fine. One can pay the fine to the police on duty or pay it later at the police station within fifteen days. If it is not paid by then, the police department will file a charge sheet in the court. A third time offender may lose his/her driving license, if the pillion rider does not wear helmet.

4 thoughts on “Helmet compulsory rule strictly observed from Feb 1”

  1. Supreme court should first make orders to build roads in good condition through out the city. If supreme court really cares for safety should make rules for RTO department and not for citizens

  2. There are many things which they should make compulsory.
    Such as, build good roads, autos by meter, incomplete city development work.
    This is all bullshit.


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