Helmets compulsory from Jan 25

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Wearing of helmets for Two wheller drivers would be made compulsory from Jan 25, 2012.
Speaking to this blog, SP Sandeep Patil said, we will start strict implementation of this from Janauray 25. Wearing helmets by law is compulsory and we will see that same in implemented in a strict manner by which many lives could be saved.

0 thoughts on “Helmets compulsory from Jan 25”

  1. This is really great news. Although this would cause many people to go up in arms, I feel the more people are compelled to do something they end up doing it. Otherwise no one is bothered.
    On a side note, cheap helmet sellers will have a gala time. Please do not buy cheap helmets just for the sake of wearing one. Buy decent ISI marked helmets from reputed brands like Vega or Studds etc.

  2. Very good initiative By Belgaum Police… and SP Sandeep Patil… It should have been implemented long before… There have been many cases of two wheelers accidents in and around Belgaum, where people were seriously injured and even some people lost their lives at the spot due to crtitical injuries….
    I hope they also make carrying driver’s licence compulsory in Belgaum… Majority of two wheeler drivers dont have a licence here, mostly school and college students… I am afraid if they dont pass the licence test then how they can know traffic rules?? They are more prone to accidents than adults…

  3. Well thats good news,but how many times they will implements and stop.
    Hope this time they will do this in proper way????????????????

  4. every 2-3 years they come with this rule…. which last only a few months! as the sale of helmet companies is done, then the scrap the rule again….. i guess there must be some fixing with the companies! lets wait and watch!

  5. I feel the best way to implement this law is that if someone is not wearing helmet and he/she meets with an accident then he/she can’t claim insurance (personal and vehicle).

  6. Very good initiative By Belgaum Police… and SP Sandeep Patil… It should have been implemented long before… There have been many cases of two wheelers accidents in and around Belgaum, where people were seriously injured and even some people lost their lives at the spot due to crtitical injuries….
    I hope they also make carrying driver's licence compulsory in Belgaum… Majority of two wheeler drivers dont have a licence here, mostly school and college students… I am afraid if they dont pass the licence test then how they can know traffic rules?? They are more prone to accidents than adults…

  7. I have traveled many metros i always had feeling why my city has no Helmets Rules Finally its is here me Happy for Our Safety


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