The innovative medical technology and startup medical apps must reach to the doorsteps of the common men and to the remotest corners of the community at an affordable cost opined Shri. Vishwajeet Rane, Minister of Health, Trade & Commerce, Government of Goa. He was speaking after receiving felicitations at KLE Centenary Convention Centre at Belagavi. Three days International Medical Conference is organized to commemorate 10th Anniversary of successful joint medical collaboration between Universiti Sans Malaysia and KLE Society. Shri. Rane appreciated the efforts of young Indian technocrats who are venturing into the domain of developing diagnostic apps in early detection diseases he quoted one such appliance is created in early detection of breast cancer and is being used in Goa. He appreciated the efforts of Dr. Prabhakar Kore, chairman of the KLE Society for developing KLE Society as global education hub. Dr.Kore’s passion and philosophy is the driving force behind this successful education mission said Shri. Rane. He also announced Super-specialty hospital in Goa will soon be commissioned.
USM-KLE International Medical Program is a dream collaborative project which is gratifying and successfully completed 10 years and over 467 medical graduates have passed out and serving in Malaysia said Dr. Prabhakar Kore. He is also hopeful of collaboration between Malaysian Technological Institution and KLE Institutions of Technology, Hubli. Dr. Kore is impressed with the outcome of the joint venture and said many countries like Maldives, Srilanka are coming forward to collaborate with KLE Society.
The graduated Medical students have received quality medical education and are at par and can compete with any medical graduates of the world said Dr. H B Rajsekhar, Director USM-KLE.  Dr Abdul Razak Council Member Malaysia spoke on the occasion.
Prof. Tan Sri Dato Dzulkiflibing Abdul Razak, Council Member, Malysia, Prof. Dato Dr. Ahmad Sukari Halim, Director USM Campus, Malysia, Prof. Shaiful Bahari Ismail, Dean USM-KLE and Dr. Kamrudding Jalam, Deputy Dean, USM-KLE were felicitated in the program.
Dr. Sadanand Patil proposed vote of thanks. Dr. A C Pangi, Dr. Vivke Saoji, Vice Chancellor, KAHEr, Dr. V D PAtil, Registrar, KAHER, Dr. N S Mahantshetti, Principal, J N Medical College, Dr. M V Jali, Medical Director, Dr. A S Godhi over 600 Malaysian and Indian delegates are attending 3 days International Medical Conference.