Joy of Giving Week organised by Mahesh Foundation

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joyofgivingBELGAUM: “Donating a portion of our income to the needy is more satisfactory than the happiness in spending it on self-enjoyment” was said by City Corporation Commissioner Mrs. Priyanka Francis during the Inauguration of the 8 day “Joy of Giving” festival organized by Mahesh Foundation & Big Bazaar on Wednesday.

She called upon the public to partake in the efforts of Organizations like Mahesh Foundation and added that the city corporation will do everything necessary to further their endeavors. She also requested the general public to be large hearted in their donations.

The Joy of Giving Week (JGW) is a festival of philanthropy that aims to become a part of the Indian ethos, with the Week being celebrated every year by engaging people through acts of giving – money, time, resources and skills – spanning the corporate, NGO and government sectors, schools, colleges and the general public.


Mr. Sambhaji Rao Patil MLA South Belgaum graced the occasion by his presence and endorsed the government’s efforts for the upliftment of the needy. He assured that the legislature will fully cooperate in the efforts of organizations like Mahesh Foundation. He recognized the efforts of Mahesh Foundation and complimented their efforts in the field of Social Welfare.

Students from various colleges addressed social issues like Rape, female foeticide and AIDS through their skits.

Former District Governor of Rotary Club Mr. Avinash Potdar, Dr. Sujata Jali Professor in Department Of Pediatrics K.L.E Hospital, Business Tycoon Mr. Dilip Chitnis, Mr. Anand Heda & Mr. Harsha Rao Chairman of Belgaum Royal Round Table also encouraged people to donate for such noble causes and urged the youth to partake in such organizations.

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