Jumbo Safari continues in Belgaum on day two

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By editor

After the “Trunk Call” the villagers of Yarmal near Belgaum were panic stricken and each one tried to woo away the Jumbo. But the Jumbo duo who the forest officials claim were sighted near Khanapur and Garlgujni a few days ago and presently camping near Yarmal village. Forest officials say these two have strayed from a herd of four elephants.

A youth trying to click a snap of the Jumbos in the fields in Belgaum on Wednesday

On Thursday morning the duo were sighted in Halga and then later again they decided to come back to Yarmal. The villagers said the forest officials chase the elephants away from human habitations and agricultural lands before they damage paddy fields and other standing agricultural crops. The two elephants roamed through Sulga, Yallur and Rajhunsgad villages before reaching Yarmal.

Some youths tried to chase away the Jumbo’s by bursting crackers and pelting stones. Enraged jumbos attempted to attack them. Two youths and a policeman of Belgaum Rural Police Station, were injured in the attack. 

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