MP Suresh Angadi undertook the supervision of the on-going construction work of the the Railway Over Bridge ( RoB ) at Railway Level Crossing No: 385 near Kapileshwar temple, Belagavi.
This was initiated to ensure the completion and inaugural of it on 13th June, 2016. But it was noticed otherwise.
Owing to procedural delay, alike shifting of electric poles, water pipelines etc by the concerned departments, the RoB work is now resolved by the officials concerned to be completed in all respects, before 11th Aug, 2016.
The visit assumed significance in view of the slow pace of work. Meanwhile, it was also agreed upon that the proposed work of constructing the RoB at LC No: 388 ( near old PB-road) too, would be on the same pattern as that of the LC No: 385. in the interest of Public convenience with a slight change in the adopted Plan.
The work on the bridge was commenced over a year ago 22, May 2015.