Leave school you are HIV positive

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The social stigma behind the HIV+ persons in the society hasn’t changed much. Even tough the government claims to put in crores of rupees in the awareness nothing seems to change the mindset of the people on the ground.

7 students studying from Std 2 to 6 of the Government Kannada Medium Higher Primary School at Kanbargi were told to leave the exam hall in the middle of the exams as the teachers thought all were HIV+ as all are residents of Aadhar, the orphanage run by Mahesh Foundation which also takes care of HIV + children.

The students came back to the orphanage crying and weeping in haste and when they told what happened to them. Mahesh Jadhav of foundation went to the school to ask how the teacher knew that these children were HIV+.

The teachers of the school told the young lads that they are suffering from an incurable disease and that they wont live for long.

None of these seven children are HIV+, Mahesh Jadhav said that children with HIV+ are sent to school next door and only 5 children out of the 25 taking shelter at Aadhar are HIV+.

Headmistress of the school P G Udikeri said, We don’t allow HIV positive children in the school as the parents of other students oppose it. She also said there was a separate school for these children in Sadashiv Nagar. Recently, parents stopped sending their children to a government school in Sadashiv Nagar when they found that HIV positive children were studying there.

Deputy Director of Public Instruction V.M. Patil, who went to the school and ensured that the children appeared for the examination.

The DDPI instructed the staff to allow the children to write the exam and threatened action if they caused problems.


9 thoughts on “Leave school you are HIV positive”

  1. This is very sad. How can one convince the society that this is harmless and these positive children have right to live in the same society.

  2. This is disgusting , sack this lady P G Udikeri ,she dont deserve to be a teacher or headmistress , I have been reading this news , but was sad to see the state mentality these kind of teachers carrying , after parents the next most important person is teachers on guide path of life, What example this lady is setting up by discriminating these poor kids

  3. if learned people do such things, who will understand them. People fear AIDS but are totally ignorant about easily communicable Hepatitis B and C, which causes more death.

  4. Writing exams is fine and the kids should be allowed to study and be educated. However HIV positive kids studying with non HIV kids may not be good idea. Kids can get hurt while playing and the blood out of injury unknowingly and unintentionally get other kids infected with same

    • Firstly these children who were not allowed to give exams are not HIV +, they are normal children. This is ignorance on the first place by the teachers. The children in question are not suffering from any kind of disease but as they share their hostel with HIV + students it is not that they will also be affected.
      Infact the the 5 students suffering from HIV+ who are in a different school there is no such problem

  5. rbi,

    more children are injured yearly by fights out on school property than by the passing of HIV infected blood.

    seems, you managed to hit on a more important point while being unaware of it.

    instruct the children on proper social behavior and treating others as we would like to be treated. seems then you would solve two problems than your narrow idea of discarding the HIV infected children for others to worry about.

    this is paranoia on the parents and teachers part due to a lack of proper training and education.

    who will teach the teachers?

    • Hey akshit shad maybe you should pull you ass out of your head. Why would you sent the kids to a different school for? this is the year 2011. Wake up and learn about shit. You clos minded fuck

  6. hiv isnt simething which will harm if they are being together wit non hiv . it is just ridiculos .. fuck dem all ..d one who apose my statement ..


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