Abhay Patil, MLA of Belagavi South constituency, requested L&T Company to set up an oxygen unit in Belagavi and today the same was inaugurated at the hands of Smt Mangal Angadi.
This unit oxygen unit can supply oxygen to about 50 beds.
L&T will install the PSA oxygen generating plant for BIMS in Belagavi as a supplementary arrangement for the oxygen need which is an acute requirement in the present pandemic situation.
Being a major hospital in the city handling this pandemic, Belagavi Institution of Medical Sciences (BIMS), Belagavi with 700 COV1D beds (Non-1CU) and 40 ICU beds and 30 step down ICU require approximately 8 KL of Liquid oxygen per day.
There’s a L&T oxygen plant lying on the road at Kittur chenama circle since last 8/10 days ?
its only a box