Mamta express goes nonstop over Belgaum

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From the initial look at the speech of Railways minister Mamta Banerjee, Belgaum has not even a mention of any sorts.


7 thoughts on “Mamta express goes nonstop over Belgaum”

  1. This is the Funda of Ministers from Eastern India after 1947 .. Only favour their own constituency or State be it Additional Trains or Rail support services like coach building factory etc…

    But always these people will make adverse remarks if something favourable is granted states like . Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa or Gujarath.. and rest of the time talk of becoming an Indian…
    If anyone just glances through the Railway Map of India one can see you can see lot of Zig zag railway lines inWest Bengal UP, Bihar..
    But how much of Western India is covered by Indian railways?
    Madam, we are also part of united India and citizens paying Taxes, pls carry the Railway Map & latest railway time table and revise the Budget..

  2. Yes, it looks that way. I was hoping for mention of Belgaum-Dharwad line/survey at the very least. No trains starting from Belgaum to Bangalore/Mumbai. Dharwad is getting intercity extended, but after a long STRUGGLE. Still, all infrastructure spending details are not out yet, so I am hopeful.

    It looks like there is some allocation for Shimoga-Harihar line/survey, May be some funds for Alamatti-Koppal also???.

    Most of the new trains introduced in Karnataka, benefit out of state people except, the earlier announced Shimoga intercity train and Mysore-Yashwantpur train. Good examples would be , Bangalore-Mangalore extended to Kannur, Karwar-Mumbai etc… In fact all the remaining 5/6 new trains help other state people. Nothing wrong with that, but just an observation…

  3. Yes, it looks that way. I was hoping for mention of Belgaum-Dharwad line/survey at the very least. No trains starting from Belgaum to Bangalore/Mumbai. Dharwad is getting intercity extended, but after a long STRUGGLE. Still, all infrastructure spending details are not out yet, so I am hopeful.

    It looks like there is some allocation for Shimoga-Harihar line/survey, May be some funds for Alamatti-Koppal also???.

    Most of the new trains introduced in Karnataka, benefit out of state people except, the earlier announced Shimoga intercity train and Mysore-Yashwantpur train. Good examples would be , Bangalore-Mangalore extended to Kannur, Karwar-Mumbai etc… In fact all the remaining 5/6 new trains help other state people. Nothing wrong with that, but just an observation.

  4. Just not Belgaum Dharwad rail line we need facilities at Belgaum, more siding lines and pit lines for Bogie servicing (Charging and water filling) at Belgaum city station, move goods lines and build new Marshalling yard for goods train at Sambra station(there is ample land Railway land available) track doubling from Sambra to Desur, fourth platform with access from southern side of Belgaum Diesle Engine trip shed at Belgaum, the survey for this line is already completed , what is lacking is political will to finish tis line, other political resistance would from Politicians from Hubli Dharwad since then most trains from north Karnataka would start from Belgaum .
    I wish some one hear it and revolutionize this issue , Mr angadi, Mr Kore, Mr Said , Abhay Kumar Patil , all need to come forward for this.

    • .Satish,
      sincerely Hats off to your efforts in minutely studying and proposing developmental plans for train facilities including the required Infrastructure in Belgaum & its connecting areas.
      We also appreciate your efforts in posting those minute details of proposed developmentin such a wonderful manner on your Blog as well.
      We all as a responsible citizens support your cause which is indeed a representation of facilities deserved by Belgaumities.
      Keep it up!

  5. I am glad somebody's raised a voice to this very important issue. Belgaum is well connected by Roads but also needs to be equally weel conected by rail route as well.But this article concentrates on one direction only. If you really wish Belgaum to be prospered, the rail route has to be made double tracked in both direction i.e towards B'lore & Pune. The idea of having a direct line to Dharwar is extremely good but at tghe same time there should be a direct line to Kolhapur as well. Imagine if Berlgaum is connected directly to the surrounding Hubli / Dharwar & Kolhapur cities, (the two cities which Belgaum has various trade links), it would be prosper in a much speedy way.
    My Freind, if we really wish Belgaum to prosper, we need to leave behind our Linguistic & regional prejudices & think of Belgaum as city which trul;y belongs to all it's citizens. Only then we can hope this other wise very potential cituy to prosper…….It's the need of the hour to be united, organised to see the real bright future of Belgaum.

  6. Thanks Sanjay for Your praising words
    But I failry deserve them since I beielve in fact, that staying abroad has hardly helped much than I wish would have stayed back in India and fought for causes, beside The praise would worth the day I see this happening in reality for Belgaum
    But I am firm believer of word of mouth,and individual capablites in representing wisdom of thoughts , and so is everyone has put in so many positive comments for the cause , i wish it would go further and must become reality soon
    Thanks again for you Kiran and every one


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