Members disapprove revised Building Bye-Laws for cantonment areas

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At the ordinary general body meeting of the Cantonment board held on Tuesday, member Sajeed N. Shaikh strongly opposed to accord approval alleging that the CBB officials had not followed due procedure before placing it before the board meeting in an undemocratic manner.

CEO H.E. Harsha had placed the draft of the bye-laws before the meeting requesting the board members to consider and accord approval. He said that as no suggestions had come it must approved.

sajeed-shaikhBut, Mr.Shaikh said the CBB officials should have made the 190-page draft public and invited objections, if any which the latter failed to do. Even the draft copy was not supplied to the board members.

Speaking to AAB, member Sajeed N. Shaikh said

How can one give approval without reading and understanding the bye laws and what is there in it. We are elected by the citizens so that their rights can be protected and in this case when we only are not sure what the byelaw’s are how can it be approved. I have also cautioned to put dissent note on the issue.

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