In an incident in Bhendi Bazar, Belagavi at 3 AM on Saturday a group of miscreant youths (4-5) pelted stones on the Ganesh Pandal installed at Bhendi Bazar and in this incident the idol was also minorly damaged which was patched up later by the mandal.
Miscreants have also pelted stone on some autos parked in Azad Galli and also a place of worship.
The police have to still identify the miscreants and CCTV footage from nearby places would be the key.
It looks like an act to destroy the peace and harmony in the city on the eve of the Ganesh Visarjan on Sunday.
The shop owners currently have not opened their shops and plan to see the DC regarding this issue.
Miscreants have also pelted stone on some autos parked in Azad Galli and also a place of worship.
Heavy police presence is now seen in Bhendi Bazar, Azad galli and other sensitive areas.
The police have asked the citizens not to heed to rumors and dont forward any messages.
I request all Belgaum people don’t share this to any.
Don’t create panic
Police will catch them and definitely punish them
We required Peaceful Visarjan not a war on that holy day
I request police department to take serious action on this
Police soyee thi kya ustime, immediate arrest karna tha raat main ungundauko,
Some people r trying to create difference between 2 communities I request all the people of Belgaum to stay calm and do not spread rumors.culprits should be punished.Hope the police takes Action as soon as Possible.
It is humbly request police department to take serious action on this issues yes we required peaceful Visarjan
This is time we the citizens of belgaum, do not be provoked by anti social elements, who are bent on creating a rift between tow communities, let us join hands in condemning this act.
we all as a Indian peaceful I request police department to take serious action on this issues.
Jisne bhi kiya hai us sakht se sakht saza honi chahiye, chahe o kisi b religion se belong karta ho. As a human being we should respect every religion and maintain peace