New team for Rotary E Club of Dist. 3170

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The Rotary E Club of Dist. 3170 celebrated iits7th CHARTER DAY on the 29th of June and the incoming office bearers for the year 2018-19 were also installed.

Mrs. Divya Shivram, CEO, Cantonment Board, Belagavi was the chief guest and Dist. Governor Rtn. Anand Kulkarni was the installing officer.

Outgoing Pres. Rtn. Dr. Anil Patil welcomed the gathering and Secretary Rtn. Anant Nadgouda presented the activities for the year 2017-18.


Rtn. Renu Kulkarni and Rtn. Jyoti Mathad were installed as the President and Secretary for the year 2018-19 at the hands of Dist. Governor Rtn. Anand Kulkarni, who commended the members of the club for the work done in the year and wished all success to the incoming team.

Rtn Renu Kulkarni laid out her ambitious plans for the year. Chief guest Mrs. Divya Shivram stressed upon the need for the officials and NGOs to work together for the betterment of society. Rotarians of the club along with their families, Rotarians from other Rotary clubs of Belgaum and guests graced the occasion.

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