No entry without a COVID negative certificate from Maharashtra

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DC Belagavi MG Hiremath today visited the Kognoli check post and reviewed the arrangements there. Only persons with RTPCR negative certificate would be allowed inside Karnataka he said.

Strict enforcement has to be done to prevent the third wave.

Residents of Karnataka who do not possess the negative certificate must be asked to get the test done at the check post only as arrangements will be made for the tests at the check post only, the DC added.

Passengers entering Karnataka are being checked at various entry points against the backdrop of rising corona infection in Maharashtra.

kognoli dc

The RTPCR test has been made mandatory for passengers entering Karnataka from Maharashtra. Passengers from Maharashtra are being admitted to Karnataka only if they have a Negative test report.

Vehicles coming from other places are not been checked or who are using Karnataka as a transit route.

Good vehicles are however being allowed to enter but thermal checking of the driver is being done.

2 thoughts on “No entry without a COVID negative certificate from Maharashtra”

  1. There are so many people who bring fake certificates..

    If 500 to 1000 is bribed police leave then.

    How will police check authenticity of the certificate.

  2. Is the route from Belgaum to karwar safe for car drive now. Since monsoon has started I am hearing news of damaged roads.

    I would be grateful if any one can help me with this information.


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