Now online applications for RTO

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Now apply for a learning license, driving license and registration of your vehicle online. The transport department has extended the online services to these districts on experimental basis from Janurary 15. The same will be mandatory from February 15 onwards, as per the order.rto-online

The service is available in Mysuru, Kolar, Tumakuru, Mandya, Hassan, Shivamogga, Mangaluru, Belagavi, Bagalkote, Karwar, Bellari and Bidar.
All you need to do is to log on to the department website —

or avail the same services through the Karnataka Mobile app.

Online Method
  • Click here to go to the online APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF LEARNER’S LICENCE
  • The On-Line registration for Learner’s Licence is only for non-transport vehicles whish are used for personal use. (i.e. Motor Cycle without Gear below 50cc, Motor Cycle Without Gear, Motor Cycle with Gear, Light Motor Vehicle Non-Transport (Car, Jeeps etc.), Light Motor Vehicle Non-Transport Auto (for personal use only), Light Motor Vehicle Tractor/Trailer and Invalid carriage).
    • Please click on the link “Learner’s license online Application” which would then take you to the form.
  • Fill out the details requested in the form
  • On successful submission of ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM, the applicant will get an automatic display of FORM 2 on the screen in the form WEB PAGE. INTERNET LL REFERNCE NUMBER and the Test Date with timings will be displayed at the top of this page, so that the applicant can note down the date and timings for appearing for the preliminary test. The applicant should take out the printout of the application (hardcopy) must produce this at the RTO Office along with the necessary documents.

How ever if the applicant fails to bring the printout(hardcopy) of application i.e. form-2, He should collect the same at Helpdesk of RTO Office and manually he should fill the form and submit along with the necessary documents. He must mention the INTERNET LL REFERENCE NUMNER that is generated after submitting the ON-LINE registration form.

  • The applicant should sign the printed application and should submit the application along with the required documents at the respective R.T.Os office chosen in the ON-LINE APPLICATION.
  • If the applicant age is 16 years and less than 18 years of age the Consent Certificate of Parents/Guardians should be filled up in the application and signed by Parents/Guardians before the Licensing Authority. If the applicant’s age is in between 16 years and 18 years he should bring his parents at the respective RTO office.
  • The applicant after submitting his application along with documents will be allowed to appear for Preliminary Test. If he passes the application he will be issued a learner’s licence at R.T.Os office.

Required Documents

  • Three recent passport size photographs required.
  • Proof of address: (to produce any one of the following)
    • Ration Card
    • Passport
    • LIC Policy
    • Electoral Roll
    • Telephone Bill
    • Electricity Bill
    • Water Bill
    • Caste Certificate (SC/ST, Backward Class and Minorities, etc.) and Income Certificate issued by Tahasildar.
    • Pay slip issued by any office of the Central Government or a State Government or a Local body.
    • Ration Card. Self swearing Affidavit by an applicant before an executive Magistrate or a First Class Judicial Magistrate or a Notary Public as evidence of age and address.
    • Proof of legal presence in India in addition to proof of residence in case of foreigners.
  • Proof of Age: (to produce any one of the following)
    • School Certificate.
    • Birth Certificate.
    • PAN card.
    • Certificate granted by the registered medical practitioner not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon.
    • Self swearing Affidavit by an applicant before an executive Magistrate or a First Class Judicial Magistrate or a Notary Public as evidence of age and address.

6 thoughts on “Now online applications for RTO”

  1. This process requires the applicant to submit hardcopies of all the necessary documents, so what is the use of new process..
    New process involves government wesite, which are always slow.
    It involves Printouts and hardcopy submissions — Waste of paper .
    And this process does not help uneducated person in anyway — So agents will be involved again — So corruption involved again.

  2. Hey, How to renew DL? I have been told that I will have to visit Belgaum RTO and currently I’m at Bangalore. Can I send somebody to feed the same into the central repository and then apply for renewal online?
    Please help immediately


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