Now only 14 days HQ for returnees from all states including MH to KA

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Updated: 10/08/2020

This order is still enforced and 14 days of HQ for all returnees from any state. 


Whereas, the State Government vide Order No. RD 158 TNR 2020, dated 30.06.2020, issued Unlock 2 guidelines which permits re-opening of more activities in a calibrated manner, in areas outside the Containment Zones, and to extend lockdown in Containment Zones up to 31.07.2020. The guidelines also permit unrestricted inter-state movement of persons and goods adhering to the SOPs/Guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Family Welfare and Department of Revenue (Disaster Management).

Whereas, Department of Health and Family Welfare issued revised SOP for the movement of persons from other State to Karnataka vide document No. SOP4/IST/2, dated 08.06.2020. Further, quarantine norms were modified vide Orders of even number dated 15.06.2020 and 26.06.2020.

KA travel sop


The quarantine norms are regularly reviewed and calibrated with the prevailing Unlock 2 guidelines and infusion of technology and community involvement to enforce strict home quarantine. In light of the above, the quarantine norms issued vide Order No. RD 158 TNR 2020, dated 26.06.2020, has been further modified and is as follows:

Quarantine Norms:

Persons coming from other State to Karnataka, including Maharashtra, shall be placed in 14-days Home Quarantine.

The other conditions as specified in Order No. RD 158 TNR 2020, dated 15.06.2020 (enclosed) and aforementioned SOP (enclosed) issued on 08.06.2020 by the Department of Health and Family Welfare shall continue to be in force until further orders. (N Manjunatha Prasad) Principal Secretary to Government, Revenue Department (Disaster Management) & Member Secretary, State Executive Committee.

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12 thoughts on “Now only 14 days HQ for returnees from all states including MH to KA”

  1. But in Pudhari Newspaper (Belgaum Edition) dated 10/08/2018, on front page, there is new that Home Quarantine is cancelled in Karnataka as per new unlock policy. Only thing we have to take permission through E-Sindhu App to enter into the state. Even they have cancelled stamping on hand. Please check the same

  2. hello sir just i want the confermation about 14 days of home quirntine i want to travell to belgaum.due to the previous 7 days of institutional quirtine norms i was avoiding to go to bgm as i have five year old son.but if it is only 14 days of home quirtine so i can visit to my native place.please guide.


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