A person was killed on the spot near Reliance Fresh on Khanapur Road near RPD cross today morning at 1030 am. The deceased has been identified as Nagraj Minachi aged 35:
The accident occurred when Nagrajs bike hit a cyclist which was going from Basveshwar circle to RPD. The cyclist fell on the left side where as unlucky Nagraj fell on the right side and got caught under the tyre of Jain college bus which was coming in from the opposite direction.
People have commented on this post on Facebook that, there were about 200 onlookers but no one came forward to help and pick up the body and put it in the bus.
Does that mean the people in belgaum are becoming Mean minded ?? Asking this because of the below statement : People have commented on this post on Facebook that, there were about 200 onlookers but no one came forward to help and pick up the body and put it in the bus.
RIP call it your bad luck as mentioned many ppl were around onlookers to ur incident yet they didn’t help might be if right time was helped might be u would be alive any state mode