Park your vehicle in no parking zone and get it towed

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By editor

It is a very common scene in most cities of the country to see a towing van towing a car or bikes parked in no parking zones.
The city of Belagavi which last year had procured one such vehicle but the same was destroyed as a tree fell on it.

Now two new towing vehicles have been procured by the Commissioner of Police Belagavi.

towingFine details:
Two-wheeler – No parking fine Rs.100 – Towing charges Rs.650 – Total Rs.750

LMV/Car – No parking fine Rs.100 – Towing charges Rs.1000 – Total Rs.1100

Medium Commercial Vehicles – No parking fine Rs.100 – Towing charges Rs.1250 – Total Rs.1350

Heavy Vehicles – No parking fine Rs.100 – Towing charges Rs.1500 – Total Rs. 1600

From now onwards vehicles parked in no parking zones would be towed away, said a press release.

7 thoughts on “Park your vehicle in no parking zone and get it towed”

  1. Well !! It was about time the Law enforcement authority of Belagavi swung into ACTION against errant vehicle owners…. However the cooperation of the commuters (vehicle owners) is extremely warranted in this regard…..May wiser counsels prevail…….

  2. Bhai sab pehle parking k liye jagah do parking full hogi to hi wrong side parking karenge na, company to gadi de rahi hai but parking ki jagah kon dega Bhai

  3. The police have to first taught to be courteous.

    Parking space MUST be first created , If not where will the poor Motorist park his Two Wheeler…Forget about 4 wheeler parking in any of our cities. The less said the better.

    Whilst towing also if the vehicle is damaged then cost of repair should be borne by the Police Station in Question.

  4. If I don’t have a toilet/access to one I’m going to urinate/defecate in public open spaces.
    This is the mentality??
    God help us all.

  5. Towing charges in Pune for a 4 wheeler are 250/- Wonder who decides the charges, more so when there are no designated Parking or even No Parking spaces for that matter. Half portion of most of the roads which are widened are used for parking vehicles. A classic example is Mahatma Phule Road. So should we assume that the road will now become parking free?


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